Department Head OnBase Performance Evaluation Resources

OnBase Training Resources
Accessing OnBase and Evaluation Form

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you use the Chrome browser. It DOES NOT work correctly in Safari. If you don’t have Chrome, Firefox is a good alternative. To access the evaluation form in OnBase, login to Trailhead. Navigate to the “Go Bar” and click on the OnBase button. Log into OnBase using your Multipass credentials. Once in OnBase, you’ll follow the steps outlined in this quick reference guide: OnBase-QRG-DHEP-Access-Web-Client.  Although not required, using VPN is encouraged if not on campus to access the form. For information and/or instructions on installing a VPN, please visit this link:


Department Head evaluation forms need to be submitted to the Dean by April 6, 2022.

For more details on the submission deadlines, please see the Academic Calendar of Submissions.

  1. I have logged into the evaluation form but get a message at the top reading “Multiple evaluations for this calendar year have been found, only one can be submitted. Do not continue.” How do I get back to the draft I started?
    • Once you have initially accessed the evaluation form in OnBase and saved it as a draft, you should receive an email shortly after that contains a link that you’ll use to access your draft. You will only enter the form that initial way once, afterwards you must either use the link in the email or log into OnBase directly. The steps for accessing it without an email link are detailed in the Quick Reference Guide – Department Head Access and Initial Submission.
  2. Does it matter which internet browser I use?
    • Chrome is the recommended browser to use at all times when accessing and completing any actions in the OnBase evaluation workflow.
  3. How to handle Read-Only Documents (locked)
    • OnBase has built-in functionality to automatically “lock” documents from editing if another individual is viewing the document. If you experience issues making changes to the evaluation form, the document may be locked by someone else. You may contact either the department head (if you’re the Dean) or Dean (if you’re Provost or Department Head) to ask them to close out of the evaluation. If you cannot gain editing access to the document, please submit a ticket to ITS:
  4. How to handle login issues to OnBase (locked account)
  5. When can I expect to receive my faculty datasheet?
    • You should receive your datasheet to attach to the OnBase evaluation form from your department administrator on or shortly after February 1.



If your questions were not addressed in the Training & Documentation guides, please contact the appropriate person or department below:

  1. For general questions about evaluations and OnBase steps, please contact Melanie Barnhart – or Jane Ko –
  2. For technical questions regarding the evaluation form or workflow functionality, please submit a ticket to ITS: