Food Exemption Request

  • Please note the following:

    a. Organizations are permitted one food exemption per semester.

    b. Requests must be submitted to the Student Life Office (Student Center E240) at the time of the room reservation or a minimum of 14 days before the event.
  • Please tell us more about your event.
  • Please be specific and list everything you intend to bring below:
  • Rules & Regulations

    Your group is requesting a food exemption for an event.

    The rules and regulations for use of outside food in the Ben Parker Student Center and the Student Recreation Center are listed below. If you fail to comply with these conditions, future use of the facility by your group could be denied.

    If you are granted a food exemption for this specific event, you must acknowledge the following conditions:
  • Prepared food is defined as any food items purchased in final form: vegetable trays, ethnic food from a restaurant, prepared food from a caterer, pizza, bottled water, beverages, snacks, etc. If you need clarification of the items you wish to serve, please meet with the Campus Events department for assistance.
  • Submitting this form implies agreement to all policies and regulations as outlined above.

    If you're ready to submit your Food Exemption Request, please click the submit button below.