Graduate Course Work

The following table lists courses recommended to students in economic geology. To broaden their appreciation of mineral deposits geology and its role in society, graduate students supplement their graduate coursework in geology with offerings in mining engineering, economics and business, geophysics, and metallurgical and materials engineering. Course descriptions are listed in the CSM Graduate Catalog.


Course number Course Title Credits Instructor
Fall GEOL 501 Applied Stratigraphy  4.0 Piret Plink-Björklund
GEOL 505 Advanced Structural Geology  3.0 Yvette Kuiper
GEOL 520 New Developments in the Geology and Exploration of Ore Deposits  3.0 Zhaoshan Chang/Thomas Monecke
GEOL 524 Economic Geology  4.0 Thomas Monecke
GEGN 532 Geological Data Analysis  3.0 Kamini Singha
GEOL 555 Structural Field Research  4.0 Yvette Kuiper
GEOL 524 Economic Geology  3.0 Thomas Monecke
GEGX 571 Geochemical Exploration  3.0 Karen Kelley and Zhaoshan Chang
GEOL 645 Volcanology  3.0 Wendy Bohrson
Spring GEGN 403 Mineral Exploration Design  3.0 Steve Enders
GEOL 513 Hydrothermal Geochemistry  3.0 Thomas Monecke
GEOL 514 Business of Economic Geology  3.0 Steve Enders
GEOL 519 Abitibi Geology and Exploration Field School  3.0 Thomas Monecke
GEOL 521 Field and Ore Deposit Geology  3.0 Thomas Monecke/Zhaoshan Chang
GEOL 523 Reflected Light and Electron Microscopy  2.0 Katharina Pfaff
GEOL 540 Isotope Geochemistry and Geochronology  3.0 Yvette Kuiper
GEOL 598 Skarn and Related Deposits 3.0 Zhaoshan Chang
MNGN 528 Mining Geology  3.0 Elizabeth Holley