Office of Compliance and Policy

Framework for Higher Education Compliance Alliance and SCCE

The framework for Higher Education Compliance Alliance and the  Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics is based on global ethics and conduct. The following elements for the program include:

  • Written standards of conduct and policies and procedures;
  • Designation of a chief compliance officer and other appropriate bodies;
  • Effective education and training;
  • Audit and evaluation techniques to monitor compliance;
  • Establishment of reporting processes and procedures for complaints;
  • Appropriate disciplinary mechanisms; and
  • Investigation and remediation of systematic problems.

Policy Library

Mines has many of the above components in place and provides a Policy Library for one-stop searches of policies, procedures, and guidelines for the community.  The compliance office is continuously working to maintain compliance with laws, regulations, and contracts to achieve excellence in everything we do. This effort complements our mission to educate students and professionals who are performing cutting-edge research and serving our community in applied sciences, engineering, math, and other associated fields.

Contact us

Compliance and Policy Office

1600 Jackson Street
Suite 240
Golden, CO 80401