Executive Summaries

Executive Summaries

Mines DI&A is committed to providing routine updates on progress toward achieving the goals outlined in Mines DI&A Strategic Plan. This is achieved formally through campus communications, executive summaries and annual reports. Not only does this effort keep campus engaged, it highlights successes of our shared responsibilities and efforts in creating a diverse, inclusive and accessible campus community.

Executive Summaries 

Mines DI&A will take up a shared services/consultancy model broken into three areas:

  • Mines Dl&A-led initiatives
  • Collaborative programming
  • Support services

Each area helps drive Dl&A priorities and aligns with the Mines Dl&A strategic plan. This model fosters Dl&A champions to undertake, collectively, the responsibility of promoting Mines Dl&A. This approach was catalyzed by the Strategic Planning process where it was determined that Mines wants to distribute the opportunity to be Dl&A allies, advocates and champions among all Mines community members versus a centralized office. This shared-services, consultancy model encourages and nurtures learning, offers support services and leads specific Dl&A initiatives central to our Strategic Plan goals.

Mines DI&A is a central component of the MINES@150 strategic plan. The 2020 DI&A Snapshot includes data dating as far back as 10 years to provide baseline context of our progress over the past decade. Highlights of undergraduate and employee recruitment and retention trends are shown. Some trends are broken down by gender and race/ethnicity. Advancements made on promoting a culture of inclusion and how we climb together as a community to share the responsibility to achieve DI&A goals are featured.