Environmental Health

The mission statement of Colorado School of Mines declares that the university has dedicated itself to responsible stewardship of the earth and its resources. In addition, Mines is committed to the mitigation of environmental damage . . . and to the development of processes that will minimize such damage in the future. Mines is further committed to the development of technologies that can reduce the world’s dependence on nonrenewable resources.

In keeping with the school’s mission statement, Mines has adopted the following policy regarding compliance with state and federal environmental protection regulation:

The school seeks to comply with federal, state and local requirements pertaining to environmental protection, occupational health and safety, public safety, and building, fire and sanitation codes. The school will provide resources, training, facilities and services dedicated to this purpose. Environmental and occupational health and safety issues will be squarely confronted with the intention of administering such matters in a manner which reflects the highest ethical and professional standards.

Contact Us

EHS Main Office

McNeil Hall
1400 Maple Street, 1st floor
Golden, CO 80401

Office Hours:  M-F, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone:  303-273-3316

Email: ehs@mines.edu

Chem Store (CSDF)

Coolbaugh Hall
Room 030

Office Hours:  M-F, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.  and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Laboratories and activities at Colorado School of Mines generate as much as 20,000 kilograms of hazardous waste each year. Many additional non-hazardous waste streams are also produced. The Environmental Health and Safety Department manages the collection, classification, consolidation, packaging, and shipping for disposal or recycle all of the waste streams generated on campus.

EHS developed and administers a training program for laboratory personnel that generate regulated waste. Completion of this training is required of all faculty, staff, and students who wish to use chemical products or dispose of chemical wastes. The training covers required procedures for waste labeling, packaging, handling, mixing, documentation, and regulatory compliance. Retraining is required on an annual basis. If you are new to the program or are due for retraining, call EHS at x3316 to schedule your training.

In addition to chemical wastes, EHS collects all chemical containers for disposal separate from other solid wastes. This assists EHS in capturing data on those chemical containers that are empty and in preventing hazards to custodial personnel from chemicals and broken glass.

EHS participates in a wastewater-monitoring program with the City of Golden to ensure that wastewater generated by our facilities meets stringent EPA limits. The chemical limits on our discharge are stringent enough that the spill of as little as a single mercury thermometer into the sewer system could cause a violation.

Hazardous Materials Training (Mandatory)

All campus personnel who procure regulated materials or who generate regulated chemical waste must attend this training on an annual basis. This includes faculty members, staff members, graduate students and some undergraduate students. This training is required by federal and state law.

The EHS Department maintains a list of persons who have received the training within the last year and are thereby “authorized” to handle regulated materials. Unauthorized persons who request chemical procurement or waste disposal service are notified that service has been denied because their training is no longer current.

EHS offers a training session at the beginning of the semester with additional sessions available by request. Online refresher training is also available. Contact the Environmental Health Manager to schedule training.

Asbestos, Lead Paint, Polychlorinated Bi-Phenyls (PCBs) Awareness (Mandatory)

The EHS Department periodically provides training to Plant Facilities and Student Life personnel concerning recognition and proper handling of building materials and equipment which contain these hazardous components. This training has usually been provided in conjunction with Annual Right-to-Know Training.

Asbestos Abatement Training (Mandatory)

Plant Facilities maintains a skilled trades team which is qualified to utilize protective equipment in order to enter areas which may be contaminated with asbestos. The team was formed so that Plant Facilities would have the ability to perform emergency repairs on equipment which might be covered with asbestos insulation or which might be in contaminated locations. Training for team members consists of 40 hours of initial instruction followed by an annual eight-hour refresher course. Participation in the Medical Surveillance Program is also required.

Asbestos Management Training (Mandatory)

State regulations require that the School designate a qualified Asbestos Coordinator. The coordinator is certified as an Asbestos Abatement Project Manager/Planner. Forty hours of initial training followed by an annual 8-hour refresher course are needed to maintain this certification. The Environmental Health Manager is the School’s Asbestos Coordinator.