Occupational Safety

Occupational Safety

Mines seeks to comply with federal, state and local requirements pertaining to environmental protection, occupational health and safety, public safety, and building, fire and sanitation codes. Mines provides resources, training, facilities and services dedicated to this purpose. Environmental and occupational health and safety issues will be squarely confronted with the intention of administering such matters in a manner which reflects the highest ethical and professional standards.

In support of this goal the Environmental Health and Safety Department provides health and safety consulting services in the areas of environmental and occupational health and safety, and has developed programs in support of occupational safety.

Lockout Tagout Program

Lockout Tagout – LOTO
LOTO is a process of controlling hazardous energy to prevent worker injury from the unexpected energization or startup of equipment or the release of stored energy. Individuals who perform installation, service, maintenance or repair activities on equipment or systems with hazardous energy must understand how to control the hazardous energy to prevent injury and be trained on the principles of LOTO.  EHS provides LOTO Training to workers upon request.

  • Initial LOTO Training for Authorized Workers should be completed prior to an individual performs installation, service, maintenance or repair activities on equipment with hazardous energy. Contact the EHS Office at x3316 to schedule LOTO training.  This training is classroom based.
  • LOTO Refresher Training will be conducted every 3 years. Contact the EHS Office at x3316 to schedule LOTO Refresher Training.
  • Field Practical for Authorized Workers – The field practical should be performed annually by the job supervisor to evaluate a workers knowledge and understanding of LOTO procedures and documented on the LOTO Field Observation form.
  • Laboratory Safety Training provides an awareness of LOTO to affected workers.

Contact Us

EHS Main Office

McNeil Hall
1400 Maple Street, 1st floor
Golden, CO 80401

Office Hours:  M-F, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone:  303-273-3316

Email: ehs@mines.edu

Chem Store (CSDF)

Coolbaugh Hall
Room 030

Office Hours:  M-F, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.  and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.