Radiation and Laser Safety

The Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Department administers the Mines Radiation Protection Program. The program, which addresses safety precautions and procedures of using sources of radiation at Mines, is overseen by the Mines Radiation Safety Officer (RSO). All Mines radiation users are strongly encouraged to review this program.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division administers radiation safety regulations which apply to operations at Mines. Sealed and unsealed radioactive materials and radiation-producing equipment such as analytical x-ray machines and particle accelerators are governed by these regulations.

Copies of CDPHE Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Radiation Control, Mines Radioactive Materials License, X-ray registrations, radiation safety procedures, laser safety standards, and other documents are available in the Radiation Safety Office.

Contact Us

EHS Main Office

McNeil Hall
1400 Maple Street, 1st floor
Golden, CO 80401

Office Hours:  M-F, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone:  303-273-3316

Email: ehs@mines.edu

Chem Store (CSDF)

Coolbaugh Hall
Room 030

Office Hours:  M-F, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.  and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

CDPHE authorizes Mines personnel to possess radioactive materials by issuing a Radioactive Materials License to the school. The RSO administers the license. The EHS Department and the RSO provide the following services in support of the Radiation Safety Program:

  • Periodic leak testing of seal sources
  • Radioactive waste disposal
  • Dosimetry and related dose recordkeeping
  • Origination of amendments to the School’s Radioactive Materials License
  • Annual dose reports
  • Monitoring of radiation exposure rates in public areas
  • Inspection and certification of radiation-producing equipment
  • Bioassays
  • Meter calibration
  • General health physics consulting
  • Radiation safety training
  • Provide warning signs, notices, labels
  • Inventory tracking and control
  • Storage for inactive sources
  • Documents available at EHS for review:  regulations, programs, procedures, license & registrations, inventory, and other related documents

In matters related to laser safety and other safety issues associated with non-ionizing radiation, the RSO consults with faculty supervisors to determine appropriate safety precautions. ANSI Standard Z136.1.2014 is the primary technical reference for laser safety. A copy of the standard is available in the EHS Department.

Radiation Safety Training

Faculty members, researchers and  students who wish to be qualified to independently handle licensed radioactive material must take a Radiation Safety Course. This course is available online.  For detailed information on classification of radiation user types, training, exams, and paperwork requirements please contact the school’s Radiation Safety Officer at ext. 3573

X-ray Safety Training and Refresher

Operators of radiation-producing equipment (x-ray machines) are required to take an x-ray safety course.  This course is available online.  Please contact the Radiation Safety Officer at ext. 3573 to proceed.  X-ray users should review the course X-ray Safety Training Online at least annually.

Site Specific Laboratory Safety Training

Faculty supervisors of licensed radioactive materials and radiation-producing equipment (X-ray machines) are responsible to provide training for users of lab setup, instrumentation, and procedures.

Laser Safety Training

Users of Class 3B and Class 4 lasers are required to take a Laser Safety Course.  Users of other Classes are encouraged to take this course.  Please contact the Radiation Safety Officer at ext. 3573 to proceed.