Dimensions of Well-being
What is Well-being
There are a lot of definitions out there, but here at Mines, we consider well-being to be:
Well-being (n.): The ongoing process of developing a life with purpose, connections, resilience and wellness that allows one to flourish and thrive. It involves the presence of positive emotions (good health, happiness, security, self-esteem), the reduction of negative emotions (sickness, depression, loneliness, addiction), and finding satisfaction, engagement and meaning within one’s life.
What are the dimensions of well-being?
Ability and confidence in your body to accomplish the goals you set for yourself, as well as understanding your body’s warning signs before you face illness or injury. It includes making lifestyle choices that affect and improve the positive functioning of your body through nutrition, sleep, exercise, and other behaviors that promote positive health and help prevent physical illness.

Ability to identify, understand, and manage your range of emotions, successfully navigate stressful conditions, and adapt to change and difficult situations. It includes the development of habits and skills needed to overcome the adversity that is part of life, utilizing professional resources when needed, and personal practice to prepare for situations that may arise.

Ability to actively engage with others and establish connections and relationships which create an inclusive and supportive community. It includes living in and contributing to healthy and sustainable teams and communities with people who are both similar and different from yourself to support feelings of belonging and safety.

Ability to meet one’s basic needs and feel a sense of security. It is also an awareness of the Earth, and the impact of your daily choices on the physical environment. It includes taking steps to keep yourself safe and maintaining a way of life that maximizes harmony with our ecosystem and minimizes harm to the environment and all who exist in it.

Ability to pursue creative and stimulating activities and experiences that increase your knowledge and awareness. It involves establishing goals, building skills, remaining curious, pursuing your interests, and engaging in lifelong learning that leads to an enriching life.

Ability to develop and live your life according to a set of guiding beliefs, principles or values that help give direction to your life. It involves a high level of faith, hope and commitment to your individual beliefs that provide a sense of meaning and purpose.

Ability to live within your means and manage your resources in a way that gives you peace of mind and provides you with freedom and security. It includes understanding your emotions as they relate to money and utilizing available resources to manage your needs and plan for your future.

Stress Reduction Tips

Twenty minutes is the sweet spot but even six minutes of sleep in the middle of the day has been shown to improve declarative memory performance — AKA your ability to recall facts and knowledge.

Deep abdominal breathing helps slow your heart rate and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, the part of your body that tells your stress response to TAKE A BREAK ALREADY.

You can get a runner’s high without having to run. Any type of aerobic exercise can help reduce stress hormone levels and release some awesome happiness-boosting endorphins.

Good friends are like a human stress buffer – multiple studies have shown that individuals with a strong social support network are more resilient to the negative effects of stress.
Blaster’s Basket is a resource for all students to grab free food and canned goods! Located on the first floor of the Student Center.