Templates for Email Communications
The following was adapted from the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Suicide Resources for Faculty & Staff.
Students may implicitly or explicitly express mental health struggles through email—ranging from stress to suicidal ideation. If you receive such a message, it is important to send a sincere, compassionate and informative reply that is appropriate for your relationship with the student and the level of distress expressed in the email.
If the student is at risk for self- or other harm, please forward the email to the Mines CARE Team at care@mines.edu. For information on assessing suicide risk, consult the Mines Red Folder (available in offices around campus or here) or contact the Mines Counseling Center at counseling@mines.edu or 303-273-3377.
Acute Risk
Dear [Student],
I received your message and I’m deeply concerned about you. Please come to my office, call, or email me so I can be sure you are okay. I have contacted the Dean of Students Office and have submitted a CARE report so they can assist us both in making sure you are safe. Please note that Colorado Crisis Services is available 24/7 at 1-844-493-8255.
Professor X
Office Location
Office and/ or Cell #
Moderate Risk
Dear [Student],
I am so sorry that you are struggling with such serious issues. Please do not worry about [fill in the blank — ex: the missed exam] for now – spend the time that you need taking care of yourself and your mental health. If you are not already connected to help, Mines has many options to assist, including a comprehensive Counseling Center: mines.edu/counseling-center. If you ever feel unsafe or just want someone to talk to, the Colorado Crisis Services line is available 24/7 at 1-844-493-8255.
To help you with some of your academic concerns, I have reached out to the Dean of Students Office. I promise you are not in trouble in any way. Our Student Life team is really invested in your well-being and can help you navigate the different support services available to you.
Please keep in touch and let me know if there is anything else I can do to support you.
Take care,
Professor X
Non-Acute Risk
Dear [Student],
I was just reflecting on our advising appointment and I am concerned about some of the things you said to me. It seems like you have a lot going on right now and you seem overwhelmed. I am here to support you in whatever capacity I can, but I think it would also be helpful for you to talk to a mental health professional.
Mines has many options to assist, including a comprehensive Counseling Center: mines.edu/counseling-center. They offer a variety of free services for students, including skills seminars, support groups and short-term individual therapy. They are great at working with students who have never been to a mental health counselor, as well as students that have used mental health services on a more regular basis. They will meet you where you’re at!
If you feel unsafe or just want someone to talk to, the Colorado Crisis Services line is available 24/7 at 1-844-493-8255. If you ever feel so overwhelmed that you are concerned about your safety or well-being, PLEASE call the crisis service immediately.
I know that class work can be extremely stressful. You are not alone in the anxiety you have been experiencing, and the faculty and staff at Mines are very invested in your well-being. It is important to us that our students are healthy, both physically and mentally.
Professor X