J-1 Visiting Scholar Application Process

The host department must initiate the process for bringing a J-1 Exchange Visitor to campus.  We recommend that departments initiate the process 4-6 months in advance of the visitor’s desired start date. This will allow time for ISSS to determine eligibility for the visa, the offer to make its way through the workflow, ISSS to issue the immigration documents, and finally scholar to book and attend a visa interview. Note that proposed scholars from certain countries may face increased wait time for visa processing. Reach out early to ISSS if you are considering bringing an international scholar to campus.

For host department instructions on how to start the Job Requisition for an Exchange Visitor, visit the Workday Recruiting User Guides linked below. Questions and requests related to contingent/non-remunerated/volunteer appointment can be sent to the Contingent Team at contingentinfo@mines.edu.

Contingent Worker (Volunteer/Non-Paid Role)

Paid Role

Prospective Scholar Application Process Overview

  1. Once the host department has started the Job Requisition process the proposed scholar will receive an email invitation. This will come from ISSS and will provide a unique link to for the scholar to log in to their Colorado School of Mines scholar profile.
  2. The proposed scholar will then review all learning content and complete all fields of their profile. This information is used to determine visa eligibility and issue the DS-2019 form or transfer the immigration record if the scholar is already present in the U.S.
  3. The proposed scholar will upload required documentation to the profile. Documentation includes:
    • A copy of passport biographic page
    • A copy of any prior U.S. visas
    • A copy of any prior J-1 DS-2019 forms issued in the last five years
    • Funding support (if not funded by Mines)
    • Complete resume or CV
    • Evidence of English Proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS, or departmental memo documenting interview)
    • Copies of passport biographic pages for dependents, if any
  4. If the proposed scholar is fully eligible for the J1 Visa or a transfer of their immigration record, ISSS will notify the host department to complete the Job Requistion process.
  5. A form DS-2019 will be issued by ISSS after a formal letter outlining the proposed scholar’s role at Mines is accepted by all parties. The DS-2019 will be uploaded to the Mines scholar profile and the scholar will receive an email to download, review, and sign the document.
  6. If the scholar is transferring to Mines from within the U.S. ISSS will work with them directly on arrival and check in to start their program at Mines. If they require a visa, they must follow the steps below.
  7. The scholar must pay the I-901 SEVIS fee; this fee is required of all J-1 visitors coming to the US. NOTE: a scholar will not be able to get a visa without paying the fee. You can read more about the SEVIS fee below.
  8. The scholar must complete the form DS-160 to register for a U.S. embassy appointment.
  9. The scholar makes an appointment with their nearest US embassy or consulate for an interview to get a J-1 visa for entry into the US.
  10. The determination on whether to issue the J1 Visa is made by the consular officer at the visa interview. Please notify ISSS if there is any delay in visa processing or if the visa is denied.
  11. The scholar must arrive and start their program within 30 days of the start date listed on their DS 2019 form or they will go out of status. 

Funding Requirements

All J-1 Exchange Visitors must provide sufficient documentation of adequate financial resources for the duration of their stay at Mines.  Adequate financial resources are:

  • Minimum $3,000 USD per month for the J-1 exchange visitor
  • $600 USD per month for a spouse
  • $300 USD per month for each child

J-1 exchange visitor’s can receive their funding from Mines, outside organizations, companies or home governments, or they can use personal or family funds. All financial documentation must be in English, or be accompanied by an official English translation.  Official copies are not required but any document submitted to ISSS must be clear and legible.

It is the host department’s responsibility to discuss with the visitor what source of funding the J-1 will utilize to ensure that documentation of that funding is provided with the application.

Guidelines of documentation from different sources

Mines funding:  The formal Mines HR offer letter or departmental letter of invitation indicating the funding being made available to the scholar and the dates of the funding availability must be included.

Home Government Funds or Other Organization Funds:  A letter from the organization or government, signed, dated and on letterhead, that clearly states how much money the J-1 exchange visitor will receive per month or year, and a statement confirming the money will be available for the duration of the J-1’s time at Mines. The letter cannot be more than three months old. Funds can be listed in USD or in the home country’s currency as long as the currency is clearly indicated.

Personal/Family Funds: Bank statement (in English) no more than three months old that has the applicant’s name on it. Funds can be listed in USD or in the home country’s currency as long as the currency is clearly indicated.

An official letter from a financial institution is also acceptable with the exchange visitor’s name, date, signature or stamp from the bank, and a confirmation that the account holder has sufficient funds to meet the minimum financial requirements of the J-1 program. Specific amounts must be provided in the letter. The letter cannot be more than three months old.

If the funding will be provided by a personal sponsor, such as a spouse, the funding documentation must include a letter or statement from the sponsor’s bank as outlined above AND a letter from the personal sponsor similar to the letter from a company. The letter from the personal sponsor must be signed and notarized.

Insurance Requirements

  • All J-1 Exchange Visitors, and their spouses and children who are in the US as J-2 dependents, must maintain health insurance for the duration of their stay in the US. The U.S. Department of State has issued strict requirements for J-1 and J-2 insurance policies to meet.  These requirements are noted below:
    • Medical benefits of at least $100,000 per accident or illness
    • Coverage for repatriation of remains in the amount of at least $25,000
    • Coverage for expenses related to emergency medical evacuation of the J-1 or J-2 to his or her home country in the amount of $50,000
    • A deductible not to exceed $500 per accident or illness

    All accident and insurance policies providing coverage between your program start date and end date must also meet one of the following options:

    1. Underwritten by an insurance corporation having an A.M. Best rating of “A−” or above; a McGraw Hill Financial/Standard & Poor’s Claims-paying Ability rating of “A−” or above; a Weiss Research, Inc. rating of “B + ” or above; a Fitch Ratings, Inc. rating of “A−” or above; a Moody’s Investor Services rating of “A3” or above; or such other rating as the Department of State may from time to time specify
    2. Backed by the full faith and credit of the government of the exchange visitor’s home country
    3. Part of a health benefits program offered on a group basis to employees or enrolled students by a designated sponsor
    4. Offered through or underwritten by a federally qualified Health Maintenance Organization or eligible Competitive Medical Plan as determined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

    The J-1 exchange visitor is responsible for obtaining an insurance policy that meets these requirements prior to beginning their J-1 program activities.  Visitors in J-1 and/or J-2 status are strongly encouraged to enter the US with the appropriate insurance.  Failure to comply with this insurance requirement could result in the loss of legal immigration status. The policy must be maintained for the duration of the J-1 program (start date to end date). If a J-1 extends his/her program beyond the initial program end date, they are required to extend the insurance policy for themselves and any spouses or children, if applicable.

    J-1 exchange visitors with paid Mines appointments may be eligible for employee insurance. If you are coming for a paid position with Mines:

    • You may have the option to elect insurance coverage through Mines within 31 days of starting. After you have completed on-boarding in Workday a New Hire benefits election event will appear in your inbox. For the Mines medical plans effective January 1, 2024, only one plan meets the J1 Visa requirements. That is the Anthem BlueCross and BlueShield POS plan.  You can NOT elect benefits prior to your first day of hire. In your first week of hire you will be invited to a Benefits orientation by our Benefits team to assist with your election. After benefits have been elected and approved you can download your benefits statement and provide as proof of insurance to the ISSS Office.
    • Benefits are made retro-active to your date of hire regardless of when you submit them in your 31-day period via Workday. For example, if you are hired January 15th and submit your benefits in Workday on February 14th the effective date is still January 15th as that matched your date of hire. You can elect coverages at employee only, employee+spouse, employee+child(ren), or employee+family. If hired into a full-time position MINES pays the medical and dental premiums 100% no matter what coverage level, you elect. Part- time employees (less than 100% Full Time Effort) contribute 20% toward medical and dental premiums.
      • Mines Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plan Information
      • Part-Time Rate Sheet

    J-1 exchange visitors with unpaid Mines appointments are not eligible for any insurance benefits offered by Colorado School of Mines. J-1 exchange visitors participating on unpaid appointments will be required to purchase a policy that provides the minimum benefits listed above for themselves and any J-2 family members. Several options are listed below.

    J-1 exchange visitors are not required to have policies that adhere to the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) unless they have been in the US for 5 or more consecutive years.  This would generally apply to those who have obtained a Change of Status to J-1 after having a previous status for several years.

    Options for J-1 insurance

    There are a number of insurance companies available which offer sufficient coverage for incoming scholars.The Colorado School of Mines has an active agreement with CISI to ensure a fair rate for scholars and students of Mines. You can access this plan here:

    Additional websites are listed below if you wish to compare costs with other providers who offer policies meeting the requirements for J-1/J-2 Exchange Visitors.  Please note, none of these policies are endorsed by Colorado School of Mines; however, the policies do meet the requirements.

English Proficiency

All J-1 scholars are required to demonstrate sufficient English ability to be successful in their research program with the Colorado School of Mines. Proficiency goes beyond the technical language necessary for the research. It is important that they can communicate outside of the lab while in the United States for day-to-day activities like grocery shopping, transactions, asking directions, and meeting new friends and colleagues. In addition, they need to have sufficient English to communicate with emergency personnel, doctors, or other authority figures in emergencies, if one were to happen.

Part of the application for the DS-2019 includes providing evidence of English proficiency. English proficiency can be demonstrated in the following ways:

  • Being a native English speaker and citizen from Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Belize, Botswana, Canada, Commonwealth Caribbean, Ghana, Great Britain, Ireland, Jamaica, Liberia, Mauritius, New Zealand, Nigeria, North Mariana Islands, Philippines, Samoa, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Zambia, or Zimbabwe, OR
  • Copy of a diploma from a U.S. institution or foreign institution where instruction occurred in English, and, if applicable, documentation that the instruction occurred in English.
  • Recognized English language test (IELTS, TOEFL), OR
    • IELTS Minimum Scores: Minimum overall band of 6.5, with no individual band below 6.0.
    • TOEFL (iBT) Minimum Scores: Minimum overall of 79 with no individual band below the following:
      • Reading: 20
      • Listening: 21
      • Writing: 17
      • Speaking: 21
  • Documented interview by the Mines hosting department conducted in-person, via video-conference, or telephone. Documentation includes a letter or memo on departmental letterhead and includes the following:
    • Date and method of the interview
    • Name and title of the person conducting the interview
    • Name and current position of the prospective J-1 Scholar
    • An assessment of whether the prospective exchange visitor is proficient in verbal English sufficient to participate in the J program activities proposed at the Colorado School of Mines.

Step-By-Step Visa Application Instructions for Scholars

All J-1 exchange visitors must have a formal paid appointment at Mines or an invitation to conduct unpaid research at Mines. After receiving the form DS-2019, Certificate of Eligibility, you may then apply for the J-1 visa at the nearest U.S. embassy abroad. To apply for a J-1 visa, generally you are required to complete the following:

  • Once you receive the DS-2019, Certificate of Eligibility, review the document to ensure all information is accurate
  • If the DS-2019 is fully accurate, complete your SEVIS I-901 fee payment
  • Complete the form DS-160
  • Schedule your U.S. embassy appointment
  • Review the website for the U.S. embassy where you will apply for the J-1 visa
    • The U.S. embassy website will have the necessary information about required documentation for the interview
  • Prepare for your visa interview
    • Arrive a minimum of 20 minutes early to get through security
    • Do not bring electronics with you to the appointment
    • Carry all required documents
    • Answer all questions asked by the consular official with succinct and truthful responses
    • Be polite and patient
  • Notify the International Student and Scholar Services office about the outcome of your visa appointment
    • You will be told at the end of the appointment how your visa will be processed

Paying the SEVIS I-901 FEE

All J-1 visitors are required to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee. This fee goes towards the maintenance of your J-1 SEVIS record throughout your program in the United States. SEVIS is the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System. This is the database that monitors your J-1 program and provides information to other government agencies as needed.

After you pay the fee, print out the receipt and bring it to the interview at the consulate with you.

Obtaining the J-1 Visa

All international visitors, except citizens of Canada and Bermuda, are required to obtain a U.S. visa for entry into the US. J-1 exchange visitors must get a J-1 visa for the specific sub-category of their program (i.e. Research Scholar, Short-Term Scholar, Professor).  If you have a different visa in your passport (i.e. F-1, B-1/B-2, etc.), you cannot use it to begin a J-1 program.  Entering into the US with a J-1 visa classifies you as a J-1 exchange visitor.

Citizens of Canada and Bermuda can enter the U.S. without a visa, however you must be sure that your passport is stamped J-1 as you enter the US.

See the following websites below:

  1. Department of State website – Read about the process for getting a J-1 visa.
  2. The Consular Electronic Application Center website – You can complete your DS-160 application at this website.

Transfering Current J-1 Record to Mines (only for those currently in the U.S. on a J-1 Visa at another institution)

If you are currently in the U.S. on a J-1 Research or Short Term Scholar visa, please indicate that in your profile and let ISSS know that you will need to have your SEVIS record transferred to Mines. Our office will work with you to determine if you are eligible for a transfer and next steps. 

Change of Status to J-1 (only for those currently in the U.S.)

If you are already in the U.S. in a different visa status and wish to change status to J-1, you can use the form I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status.  Applying for change of status to J-1, via an application with the U.S. Immigration and Citizenship Services (USCIS) will allow you to stay in the U.S., however it is often faster to depart the United States and apply at a U.S. embassy abroad for the new J-1 visa.

Please note that changing status using the I-539 form takes several months. NOTE: If you are changing status to J-1, you will not be eligible to begin your J-1 activities until the Change of Status is approved. You must continue to maintain your current status until your new J-1 status is approved.

Arrival to Mines

An exchange visitor is eligible to arrive to the United States up to 30 days before the Program Start Date listed on the DS-2019. Scholars are encouraged to arrive 1-2 weeks before the start date to get acclimated, find a place to live, complete on-boarding documentation, and work through jet-lag.

Required Check In with ISSS

After you arrive on campus, you must check in with the international office to activate your SEVIS status. You should receive an email from the international office asking you to schedule this appointment. Please make sure you complete this required check in within 30 days of the start date listed on your DS 2019. Failure to have your SEVIS status activated will result in you going out of status and no longer being legally eligible to visit Mines. 

Housing During Your Visit

Mines does not offer dedicated housing for scholars. You will need to secure your accomodations for your visit. Resources for housing around campus can be found here

If you need to book a short-term hotel while you look for accomodations, here are some local options:

Walking distance to campus
Table Mountain Inn
 1310 Washington Avenue, Golden, CO 80401
Golden Hotel
 800 Eleventh Street, Golden, CO 80401
The Dove Inn
711 14th Street, Golden, CO 80401

Not within walking distance to campus
Hampton Inn 
17150 W. Colfax Ave, Golden, CO 80401
Comfort Suites
7260 W. Jefferson, Lakewood CO 80235
LaQuinta Inns and Suites
3301 Youngsfield Service Rd, Golden, CO 80401
Marriott Denver West
1717 Denver West Boulevard, Golden, CO 80401
Residence Inn Denver West/Golden
14600 West 6th Avenue Frontage Rd, Golden, CO 80401
Courtyard Denver West/Golden
14700 West 6th Avenue Frontage Rd, Golden, CO 80401

Arriving To Denver International Airport (DEN) and Getting to Golden, CO

Denver International Airport is quite large.  You may find that after you have gotten off the plane, you need to follow the signs (and people) to board a train.  This train takes you to the main terminal, where you can then pick up your baggage.  If you are not sure where to catch the train, ask an airport attendant or your flight attendant.  Once the train has stopped at the main terminal, you will notice a row of monitors just outside of the train doors.  These monitors will let you know which carousel number to go to for your luggage.

There are shuttle services, ride shares, and a light rail which can bring you directly to Golden and Colorado School of Mines. Please note that the airport is approximately 45 mins from Golden. The shuttle may have limited service after the 11 p.m. Please research online in advance.


Super Shuttle (Also, there’s a Super Shuttle App for Apple and Android)

Light Rail
– From DIA: Take the University of Colorado A Line to Union Station (last stop), then W Line to
Jeffco Government Center (last stop)
– Use the Mines Orecart to get from the Jeffco Government Center light rail station to campus

The information contained in this web site is provided as a service to the international students, faculty, staff, employees and administrators of the Colorado School of Mines, and does not constitute legal advice on any immigration, tax or any other matter. We aim to provide substantial and useful information, but we make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of the information contained in or linked from this web site or any external/associated site. As legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and laws are constantly changing, nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for the advice of competent counsel. Neither the Colorado School of Mines nor the Office of Global Education is responsible for any errors or omissions contained in this website, or for the results obtained from the use of this information.


International Student & Scholar Services
924 16th Street
Green Center, Suite 219
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, CO 80401

Office Hours
Monday through Friday, 9:00am - 12:00pm and 1:30pm - 4:00pm

Main Office Phone and Email
(303) 273-3210 / isss@mines.edu