CSM 501 – Graduate Student Skills & Success
This course (graded pass/fail) is a collaborative learning program focused on the skills that will assist new graduate students in developing to their fullest potential and efficiency at Mines, prepare them for the next steps in their professional or academic journey, and build a network of colleagues across campus.
CSM 501 will be offered in Fall 2024 (McNeil Hall room 214):
Tuesdays 4:30-5:45 pm – Instructor Dr. Jenny Briggs, Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies
For course registration use Trailhead or click here and for “Subject” enter CSM and for “Crse” enter 501.
Past student reviews:
“Thank you for running this awesome class! Coming into the semester I was intimidated to say the least –particularly returning to the world of academia and science after a few years away working my first job out of college. Being exposed to tips, tricks, resources, and perhaps most importantly, all of the stories throughout the semester has been a truly great experience which has made me feel comfortable and welcome on campus.”
(New PhD student)
“Over the course of the semester, I was able to glean some information about the resources available at Mines for graduate students. These things range from writing workshops to advisor/advisee relationships to entrepreneurial resources. One of the most valuable outcomes of the course were the relationships developed during and after class with both the faculty and other students.”
(New PhD student)
“This class…
– Provides a great overview of resources and opportunities at Mines
– Low Stress class
– Good opportunity to socialize outside the department”
(MS thesis student)
Please email Dr. Jenny Briggs with any questions about the class or syllabus.
Request Info

Jenny Briggs
Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies