Hello continuing, incoming, and prospective graduate students,

The entire Office of Graduate Studies and I wish you the very best.

I am excited for you and am excited to lead the efforts in strengthening and enhancing our researched-based graduate programs, promoting our professional master’s and certificate programs, and increasing our student population through creative approaches.

Our number one goal in the Graduate Office is to help you to achieve your dream of earning a graduate degree. Along the way we will be working to ensure that you have a signature experience while you are at Mines and that you are well prepared for your next professional endeavors after you earn your degree.

All Colorado School of Mines graduate students are required to complete the following training:

In addition, all research based graduate students need to be aware of:

Lastly, I want to encourage all of you to become involved in the Graduate Student Government (GSG). The GSG exists to serve the interests of Mines graduate students. The GSG addresses issues of concern to graduate students at Mines (Graduate Student Bill of Rights ), and organizes various social and academic functions. The GSG also administers a variety of grant programs for graduate students. All registered graduate students are automatically members of the Graduate Student Government and are welcome to attend all events and meetings.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate contacting the Graduate Office.

We hope you will find this school year rewarding and productive.

Thank you,

Tim Barbari, PhD
Dean of Graduate Studies
phone: (303) 384-2585
e-mail: tbarbari@mines.edu