Text must extend to the bottom of the page, eliminating excess white space. 

Example of text filling the page correctly.

Example of too much white space.

White space is only allowed if:

  • The  page is the last page in a chapter
  • A figure or table covers more than a half page
    • If a figure/table covers more than half the page, it may be placed on its own (stand alone), separate page.
      • Stand alone figures/tables need to be centered both horizontally and vertically
    • More than one table or figure may appear in sequence on a single page, if they represent sequential information.
      • Two or more separate figures/tables must fill the page, or additional text must be added
  • The next subheading + 2 lines of text will not fit on the page
    • If the subheading + 2 lines of text will not fit, move the subheading to the next page
  • The first 2 lines of a paragraph will not fit on the page
    • If the first 2 lines of a paragraph will not fit on the page, move the paragraph to the next page

How to solve excessive white space issues:

  • Extend text to the bottom of the page.
  • If text refers to a figure/table and the figure/table will not fit on the page:
    • make a note in the text referring to the figure/table telling the reader where the figure/table can be found (i.e.see Figure 3.1 on  page 8) and move the next lines of text up to fill the white space.
      • This means that the figure/table won’t follow the text referring to it.
  • It is acceptable to break equations between pages.