Work Order Requests

Ready to submit your Work Order Request?

Be sure to review the Guide to Request Types below before submitting your request. Use Trailhead credentials to login.

Getting Started

Submit a work order request for all campus Construction, Maintenance, and Environmental Health and Safety needs. Your request will be routed to the appropriate department based on the request type you select on the request form. Below is a guide to help you choose the correct request type. Please review before submitting your work order.

Guide to request types

Access Services (FM): Keys, locks, doors.

ADA Accommodations (FM): Disability-specific facility and operational matters.

Climate Control (FM): Building space temperature adjustments, HVAC equipment programming.

Custodial (FM): All custodial services.

Electrical (FM): Electrical maintenance.

Elevators (FM): Elevator maintenance.

Environmental Health & Safety (EHS): Air quality, life safety, hazard assessment, PPE

Events, Moves & Surplus (FM): Event support, setup and takedown, office moves, surplus, recycling.

Fire Protection / Detection (FM): Alarms, sprinkler system, smoke detectors.

Fleet (FM): Campus vehicle and heavy equipment fuel and maintenance.

Food Service Equipment (FM): Building commercial kitchen appliance service

Grounds (FM): All grounds keeping services, snow removal.

HVAC (FM): Mechanical maintenance on climate control equipment.

Office of Design & Construction (ODC): Changes to the physical environment (floors, walls, ceilings, interior and exterior finishes, mechanical, electrical, plumbing). Changes to the use of a room or other space. Planning and design services.

Parking Services (FM): All parking or parking lot related issues.

Plumbing (FM): Plumbing maintenance.

Structural Trades (FM): Building maintenance to include paint, windows & doors, wall hangings, signage. All student housing requests unless Custodial or Grounds services.

System Admin (Business Services): Facilities Management administrative office use only.

Utilities (FM): Boiler plant, campus electric lines, piping systems, steam, locates.

Warehouse (FM): Requests to the Mailroom for campus forms and Mines envelopes.

Small Requests: Office painting, furniture cleaning etc.

Smaller request work (i.e., office painting, furniture cleaning, etc.) will no longer go through the full estimate process unless specifically asked for in the request. This is work that is expected to cost less than $300 to complete. Communication through the work order system will be used prior to the start of work if the amount is expected to exceed $300, and an estimate will be created. In both cases, an index must be provided on the work order by the requesting department, and the request/index will serve as authorization to begin work. Completed work will be billed to the index automatically on a monthly basis.

Have an emergency?

For medical, fire, or personal safety emergencies, dial 911 to reach Mines Public Safety or Golden Police, Fire and ambulance services.

For hazardous materials incidents (leaks and spills) call the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) department at 303-273-3316. This number is monitored by EHS personnel on a 24/7/365 basis.

Emergency maintenance requests can be immediately reported to Facilities by calling 303-273-3330, 8 am to 5 pm, M-F, and after-hours emergencies should be reported to Public Safety at 303-273-3333.

Department Contacts

Office of Design & Construction

Kathy Burris

Facilities Management and Environmental Health & Safety

Marlo Fejarang

Campus Computing Requests

Use the Mines Help Center service request form for all telecommunication, computer and networking requests.