Fight Song
Fight Song
Yelling “M-I-NES…”
Sorry, Georgia Tech. This is “Golden Tech” (and our fight song).
It may take some practice to learn all the words and cadence of the Mines fight song, but you can bet that by the end of your first semester at Mines (though likely by the end of the M Climb), you’ll know it by heart and proudly join in at every Oredigger athletic event. A strong sense of pride and camaraderie builds with each line as Orediggers come together to celebrate being part of the Mines community. Certain “Ramblin’ Wrecks” might claim we “stole” their fight song, but it’s hard to hear them over the roar of the crowd.
What to expect
A wave of school spirit overcoming you
Pride in being an Oredigger
Feeling like part of a tight-knit community
Open to
All Orediggers
Sporting events and any other time the spirit moves you
Golden, Colo. and all around the world
The music dates back to 1879
Orediggers’ first introduction to the song is during the M Climb
The Mining Engineer
I wish I had a barrel of rum and sugar three hundred pounds,
The college bell to mix it in and a clapper to stir it ‘round.
Like every honest fellow, I take my whiskey clear,
I’m a ramblin’ wreck from Golden Tech, a helluva engineer.
A helluva, helluva, helluva, helluva, helluva engineer,
A helluva, helluva, helluva, helluva, helluva engineer,
Like every honest fellow, I take my whiskey clear,
I’m a ramblin’ wreck from Golden Tech, a helluva engineer.
Hail, hail, the gang’s all here.
What the hell do we care as long as we get our share.
Hail, hail, the gang’s all here.
What the hell do we care now?
Oredigger reviews

Michelle, Mechanical Engineering, The Woodlands, Texas
“You have to sing along once the fight song starts, it’s contagious!”

Philip, Computer Science, Longmont, Colo.
“The fight song evokes pride and excitement in the fact that you are an Oredigger. Helluva experience.”

Brenna, Civil Engineering, Colorado Springs, Colo.
“As a member of the Mines Marching Band, I didn’t sing the fight song as much as I screamed it or blasted my instrument as loud as I could! The fight song awakens a kind of fire inside me every time I hear it, and I can’t help but to yell along!”

Kaleigh, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Columbus, Ohio
“The Mines fight song is something that I first learned on my M Climb and whenever I hear it, I think back to that day and the sense of community I felt.”

Cameron, Engineering Physics, Aurora, Colo.
“It is a good way to make an initial connection with other students, as when the fight song begins, everyone instantly knows what to do and what to say, and it brings a lot of pride to the school!”

Gabriel, Computer Science, Venezuela
“I feel empowered! Close together with my fellow Orediggers, as if we’re on a pirate ship singing our worries away on a day when there’s no wind to carry the ship.”

Brett, Environmental Engineering, Aurora, Colo.
“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh hell yeah! The fight song is my jam. Anytime someone mentions the fight song or starts singing, I can’t help but follow along at the top of my lungs. What it lacks in elegance, it more than makes up for in spirit, especially the part where we pump our fists at Boulder.”

Daniela, Chemical Engineering, Greeley, Colo.
“It’s great! Chants like this at football games and on-campus activities really make you feel like you are part of the community.”

Ashley, Statistics, Gretna, Neb.
“I was in the Mines marching band freshman year, and we always shouted the fight song louder than anyone else. While I initially found it pretty silly, seeing the passion of the upperclassmen made the fight song an exciting experience for me. It taught me that school spirit isn’t silly. It’s important to be proud of your school and your education. Now, whenever the yell goes out and the song begins, I remember how lucky I am to go to such an incredible school where students and faculty have passion and the skills to put those passions to paper.”

Sydney, Chemical Engineering, Highlands Ranch, Colo.
“Whether it’s sitting in the stands at a football game and cheering along with the band or teaching my campers at Oredigger Camp, the fight song has a special place in my heart. The sense of belonging and community it invokes when everyone comes together, chanting the same words in unison, you feel like you are part of Mines and you will be for a long time. As long as you know the fight song, you have a family and a community beneath the M. So learn it, and remember it, because nothing is worse than singing one too many helluvas and everyone knows it was you.”