Lot Closure and Food Truck Requests

Parking & Fleet Services

Parking Lot Closures

A list of scheduled campus parking lot closures can be found Here.

To request the closure of a campus parking lot, or portion of a lot, please complete this Form. Data may not be saved on the form if you download it using Google Chrome. Email the completed form at least 3 business days before the requested closure to mparenteau@mines.edu. You will be notified whether the request is approved, denied, or if additional information is required.

Request a Food Truck on Campus

To request a food truck on campus, please complete this Form. This request must be made by a campus department.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are food trucks/carts allowed on the Mines Campus?

Yes and no.
Food trucks are not permitted on campus because their business activities conflict with those of the Mines Food Service Contract. However, under special circumstances, food trucks may be permitted to provide restricted food services for an event.
Only Mines students, faculty, and staff may request a Food Truck to be on campus. Food Trucks may only be brought to campus for approved events. Food Trucks may only serve Campus and under a fully executed Facility Use Agreement.

How do I request a Food Truck/Cart?

To request a food truck, a request form must be submitted.

When can a food truck be on campus?

Due to limited parking on campus, Mines typically does not approve food trucks to be on campus during the Academic day: Monday-Friday from 7:00am-4:00pm.

Where can a food truck park on campus?

Food truck locations are approved on a case-by-case basis. Vendors must be located on Mines property, not on public streets, in the pre-approved location.

What if my food truck arrives to campus without the proper approvals and Facility Use Agreement?

Procurement and Contract Services are responsible for administering the Food Truck/cart Facility Use Agreement (FUA). Food Trucks operating on Campus in violation of not having a fully executed FUA will be asked to leave. Mines reserves the right to take all appropriate action against those failing to comply with this procedure, including actions under civil or criminal trespass laws.

Once a location is approved, what must a food truck provide to complete the Facility Use Agreement?

Vendors will be required to provide proof of insurance with Mines listed as additionally insured, a W-9, proof of their license to sell food in Jefferson County/Golden, and ALL FOOD VENDORS MUST HAVE A CURRENT JEFFERSON COUNTY TEMPORARY FOOD VENDOR LICENSE OR A COLORADO RETAIL FOOD LICENSE FOR MOBILE UNITS. If a vendor does not have a License they should be instructed to contact Jefferson County Public Health for further information. Unapproved vendors found during inspections will be required to leave the event immediately!

Other Important Information

Vendors must be completely self-contained and require no use of electric, water, or other utilities or facilities belonging to Mines. Food Trucks must abide by all the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment regulations.
Food truck requests need to be submitted 2 weeks prior to the event in order to create FUA and attain necessary documents from food truck.
A mobile food vendor may not utilize music or amplified sound unless prior approval is received.
All trash generated by food production must be collected and removed by the food truck vendor.
Sale of alcoholic beverages on university property is prohibited.

Contact Us

Parking Services

McNeil Hall
1400 Maple Street, Ste 127
Golden, CO 80401



7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.