Pay or Appeal a Citation

Parking & Fleet Services

Appeal a Parking Citation

Pay or Appeal a Citation


Parking Services makes every effort to regulate parking according to well defined, specific regulations. However, we understand that you may have sound reasons for appealing a citation. If you feel you have been unjustly cited, we recommend you request an appeal. Appeals must be submitted by thirty (30) days after the citation was issued.

The Mines appeal process is not available for moving traffic or criminal violations. Violators who wish to contest a moving traffic or criminal violation must take their citations to the Public Safety office within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of issuance of the citation and meet with the on-duty officer who will re-issue a court citation and a court date.



Appeals must be submitted using our online parking portal. There is no other forum in which to appeal a campus parking citation.

The citation number or license plate information will be needed in order to begin the appeal process. We recommend basing your appeal statement on specific factual information that explains why you believe the citation should be voided. You will be able to include images that support your explanation.



Once your appeal has been submitted, the issuing officer is also required to submit a factual written statement in response to your appeal.  Your written appeal will then be considered by an independent referee committee, who are not employees of the Parking Services office. Committee decisions are usually made within two-four (2-4) weeks. The referee committee will email you directly when a decision has been made. All referee decisions are final and cannot be petitioned further.

After the email decision has been sent, you will be informed on the next step you should take. If your citation is voided, no further action needs to be taken. If the fine was reduced or if the appeal was denied, the amount due must be paid within five (5) business days.

If at any time you are curious about the status of your appeal, please contact Parking Services.

Contact Us

Parking Services

McNeil Hall
1400 Maple Street, Ste 127
Golden, CO 80401


7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.