
Employee Committees serve a wide range of functions on the Mines campus and vary in sponsorship, purpose, composition and terms of service. Committees included on this site fall into three main categories:

University Committees
University Committees are standing committees for which membership is appointed by the President’s Office.

Faculty Senate Committees and Councils
Faculty Senate Committees are standing committees for which membership is appointed by the Faculty Senate.

Other Committees
Other committees include those with a time-limited purpose, which may be appointed by the President, the Provost, or a Vice President.

Employees at the Colorado School of Mines generally fall into three groups: Academic Faculty, Administrative Faculty and Classified Staff.  Campus organizations that correspond to those groups are listed below:

Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate promotes cooperation and understanding among the various constituencies that comprise the School by:

  • Providing a forum for the Academic Faculty to express its concerns to the Administration and the Board of Trustees;
  • Encouraging the involvement of the Academic Faculty in the overall operation of the School; and
  • Fostering and maintaining a stimulating atmosphere for teaching, scholarship and service.

Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month in Hill Hall Room 300 from 2 to 4 p.m.

Administrative Faculty Council (AFC)
The AFC was organized to serve as the representative body of the Administrative Faculty at Mines by:

  • Building and fostering community among Administrative Faculty;
  • actively participating in policy matters at Mines which may be relevant or of interest to the Administrative Faculty;
  • Serving as an advisory body to the Mines Administration;
  • Providing information and advice to its constituents; and
  • Acting as a liaison to the Faculty Senate and the Association of Classified Employees.

To contact AFC board members, email

Association of Classified Employees (ACE)
The ACE is an officially recognized organization for Classified Staff at the Colorado School of Mines and is dedicated to:

  • Supporting the mission, goals and objectives of the Colorado School of Mines;
  • Facilitating effective communication between the Association’s membership and the Mines Community;
  • Promoting a campus spirit of mutual cooperation and respect;
  • Promoting the highest degree of professionalism within the Association’s membership and support activities to enhance professional performance; and
  • Recognizing Association members for outstanding contributions to Mines and the Community at-large.

Students are encouraged to voice ideas and concerns about their experiences at the Colorado School of Mines through their respective student government associations:

Undergraduate Student Government (USG)
The USG at the Colorado School of Mines is the recognized undergraduate organization that delivers the voice of the student body to the Faculty, Administrators, and the Board of Trustees.  Throughout the year, USG works to represent students on a variety of campus committees. Student Government will debate and discuss issues that are pertinent to the students and work to address student concerns.  In addition to governance, USG hosts a variety of events throughout the year to initiate student involvement.

Graduate Student Government (GSG)
The GSG is the governing body of graduate students at Colorado School of Mines. The GSG Council is composed of one graduate student representative from each academic department offering graduate degree programs. The Council meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month to make decisions to guide GSG policies and activities, and the meetings are open to any interested graduate students.

contact us

Office of Compliance, Policy and Risk Management
1600 Jackson Street, Suite 240
Golden, Colorado, 80401