
Challenge Exams

Challenge Exams

Challenge Exams are available to students to demonstrate proficiency and potentially earn credit for select foundational core courses at Mines.  Students should review eligibility criteria necessary to participate in the challenge exam for any of the listed courses as well as the study materials for each exam before registering.

Exam Offerings & Criteria
Course Number
Course Title
Credit Hours
Accepted AP Score (No need to take Challenge Exam)
CBEN 110
Fundamentals of Biology I
Score of 5 on AP Biology to receive credit for both CBEN 110 and CBEN 120
CHGN 121
Principles of Chemistry I
Score of 4 on AP Chemistry to receive credit for CHGN 121
CHGN 122 Principles of Chemistry II 4.0
Score of 5 on AP Chemistry to receive credit for both CHGN 121and CHGN 122
CSCI 128 Computer Science for STEM
Score of 4 or 5 on AP Computer Science A to receive credit for CSCI 128
PHGN 100 Physics I – Mechanics
Score of 5 on AP Physics C Mechanics to receive credit for PHGN 100
PHGN 200 Physics II – Electromagnetism and Optics
Pass Challenge Exam if student scored a 4 or 5 on AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism to receive credit for PHGN 200
Exam Study Materials, Contact Info & Registration

Challenge Exams are managed by the respective academic departments offering the exam opportunity.  Below are the study materials they have made available, as well as contact information.

Course Number
Course Title
Study Materials
Contact Information
CBEN 110
Fundamentals of Biology I

Practice Exam A

Practice Exam A Key

Practice Exam B

Practice Exam B Key

Learning Outcomes

Josh Ramey:

Register online

CHGN 121
Principles of Chemistry I

Learning Outcomes

List of Book Topics Covered

Renee Falconer:
To register, fill out form and submit to Renee Falconer.
CHGN 122 Principles of Chemistry II Learning Outcomes

List of Book Topics Covered

Renee Falconer:

To register, fill out form and submit to Renee Falconer.

CSCI 128 Computer Science for STEM

Topics List

Practice Questions

Practice Questions w/Answers

Rob Thompson:
Register online
PHGN 100 Physics I – Mechanics

Principles Sheet

Topic Learning Outcomes

Vince Kuo:
Register online
PHGN 200 Physics II – Electromagnetism and Optics

Principles Sheet

Topic Learning Outcomes

Vince Kuo:

Register online

Exam Schedules & Locations

Below are the Challenge Exams schedules locations. These dates and times do not conflict with camp attendance.

Course Number
Course Title
CBEN 110
Fundamentals of Biology I
Not offered for Spring Not offered for Spring
CHGN 121
Principles of Chemistry I
January 7 (Tuesday) PM TBD
CHGN 122 Principles of Chemistry II January 7 (Tuesday) PM TBD
CSCI 128 Computer Science for STEM

January 9,

7 – 8:30 PM

CTLM 102, Brown Building 280
PHGN 100 Physics I – Mechanics
Not offered for Spring Not offered for Spring
PHGN 200 Physics II – Electromagnetism and Optics
Students who pass PHGN 100 exam and who qualify for PHGN 200 exam will receive an email from the physics department inviting them to register for the PHGN 200 Challenge Exam. Not offered for Spring

General Information


  1. Eligibility:
    1. Incoming and transfer students in their first twelve months at Mines are eligible to take Challenge Exams. Some exams may have additional eligibility criteria, such as prerequisite credits or AP scores, determined by the respective department offering the exam. Students should review the eligibility criteria necessary to participate in the challenge exam for any of the listed courses.
    2. Students are granted only one attempt for a challenge exam per course.
    3. Students must have appropriate credit, pre-requisite course work, or AP scores to qualify for the exam.
  2. Exam Availability: Challenge Exams are provided at the discretion of each department at the beginning of Fall term. Not every foundational course may have a Challenge Exam available.
  3. Passing Requirements: To earn credit for a course via a Challenge Exam, students must pass with the equivalent of a 70% grade or better. Passed exams will be recorded with a grade of EX and will not affect GPA. For students who fail to pass the challenge exam, there will be no record on their transcript.
  4. Information and Adjustments: Departments will provide information about students who pass exams to the Registrar’s Office before Census Day to make necessary adjustments to student’s schedule.
  5. Important Considerations:
    1. Challenge Exams cannot be used to receive credit for upper-division courses.
    2. Challenge Exams are not available to students if they have declined AP or IB credit for the course or they have already received credit for the course.

Contact Us

Registrar's Office
Student Center, Suite E280
1200 16th Street
Golden, CO 80401

Registration or student record questions
FAX: 303-384-2253

Tuition Classification & COF questions

Transfer credit questions

Military and VA Benefit related questions

Graduation questions