Faculty Grading

Faculty Grading

Faculty Grading

This page is for faculty who are submitting grades. Most questions can be answered by reviewing the information below.

If you have questions that cannot be answered from the information on this page please contact, grading@mines.edu. Faculty should NOT email the general Registrar inbox, registar@mines.edu, as this can delay response times.

IMPORTANT: The primary faculty teaching the course/s is the responsible party for entering in grades. The Registrar’s Office cannot enter grades on the faculty’s behalf. Faculty must log into Trailhead and follow the instructions below for grading. Please do not refer to old instructions as they hyperlink to the old SSB8 which is no longer available and can cause an error with the grades being recorded. You can log into Trailhead and get to the new SSB9 by going here: https://trailhead.mines.edu.

Grading FAQs:

What is an incomplete 'INC'?
  • An incomplete ‘INC’ is a temporary grade which may be given at the instructor’s discretion when reasons beyond the student’s control prevents completion of course requirements by the end of the academic term. An ‘INC’ is restricted only to cases in which the student satisfactorily completed a significant amount of the course work, including attendance and participation. Review the full policy here: https://catalog.mines.edu/undergraduate/undergraduateinformation/undergraduategradingsystem/.
  • Students who are seeking an ‘INC’ and meet the criteria should complete the online ‘Incomplete’ form: https://www.mines.edu/registrar/incomplete-grade-request/. The intent of the form is to assist students and faculty to clarify and document incomplete grade requirements. CASA is available to assist students and faculty with questions regarding the form: casa@mines.edu.
  • If granted an ‘INC’, students should NOT re-enroll in the course in another term. The ‘INC’ will revert to an ‘F’ in those instances.
  • Once work has been completed and submitted, faculty will update the ‘INC’ to the earned letter grade by completing the ‘Grade Change’ form through their faculty Trailhead.
Important information on submitting an incomplete 'INC':
  • Only assign an ‘INC’ if you are willing to work with the student to complete the remainder of the work.
  • Although the policy allows up to one year, you may limit this to less time.
  • Be sure to communicate the deadline the student has to make up the work as well as what work must be completed. 
  • The student should NOT re-register for the course.
  • If the student does not complete the required work or if you forget to submit the final earned grade, the ‘INC’ will be converted to an ‘F’ grade after one year.
  • Do not enter ‘INC’ for students who did not attend, stopped attending, or withdrew. This could create issues for the Financial Aid Office when they disburse funds to students, as well as cause reporting issues to the National Student Clearinghouse.
What if a student never attended?
  • Students that never attended the course (earning 0.0) require the ‘Last Date of Attendance’ to be completed. The date should be the first date the class started.
Why do I have to enter the last date of attendance?
  • All assigned grades of ‘F’, ‘INC’ or ‘PRU’ require the ‘Last Date of Attendance’ to be completed for Financial Aid purposes. 
  • If you are having difficulty submitting final grades, it may be that one or more of these assigned grades is missing ‘Last Date of Attendance’.
PRG/PRU grades:
  • Faculty are required to submit all grades, including courses that have a grade mode of PRG/PRU.
  • If a student did not attend the course or did not complete the coursework to earn a passing grade it is important for the faculty to assign the correct grade of PRU and enter the last date of attendance. If the student never attended, it would be the first day of the course. 
  • An INC cannot be assigned for a course with the grade mode of PRG/PRU.
Why does the "Rolled" column of the grading page show "Not Started"?
  • This column is for viewing purposes only. Faculty do not enter grades in this column.
  • Once the Registrar’s Office rolls grades to academic history this column will show “Completed”.
  • This also means the student can now view their grade and it has been posted to their transcript.
Secondary instructor grading issues:
  • Only the primary instructor can submit grades. If you are the secondary instructor submitting the grade on behalf of the primary instructor please email grading@mines.edu and someone will assist you.
Forgot to submit grades by the grading deadline?
  • If you entered some grades in Trailhead but forgot to submit the rest by the grading deadline, you will need to submit all other missing grades through the ‘Grade Change’ workflow in Trailhead.
  • If you did not grade an entire roster, you can still attempt to enter them in Trailhead in ‘Faculty Grade Entry’. Then notify the Registrar’s Office, grading@mines.edu, so they can roll them to academic history. If you tried entering the grades but are unable to, email grading@mines.edu for further assistance.
  • Do not email the Registrar’s Office any grades as this is not secure and is a violation of FERPA, which protects student data.

Grading Instructions:

Final Grading

Entering Final Grades Directly Into the System

Entering Final Grades Directly into SSB9

Importing Final Grades

Importing Final Grades into SSB9

Submit Grades from Canvas

How to submit grades directly from Canvas into Banner

When grade loading is opened by the Registrar’s office, instructors can enter grade information into Canvas and send the grades to Banner. This process is being offered as an alternate method of grading loading in addition to the existing Banner grade-entry option. The steps below explain how to perform this process.

  1. Log into Canvas.
  2. Navigate to the course requiring grade entry.
  3. Select “Submit Grades to Banner” from the course navigation menu.
    Submit grades to banner Canvas course link
  4. Select the grade period tab (i.e., Midterm or Final).
  5. If you are using the Canvas gradebook, the current total grade from the Canvas gradebook will be displayed in the “Current Grade” column and the Final or Midterm Grade column is pre-populated with the associated letter grade from the Canvas gradebook. You may leave the pre-populated letter grade OR manually enter/update the final or midterm letter grade for each student. Note: if the student receives an “F” or “Incomplete,” then the Last Attendance Date field must be populated.

Canvas to Banner grade load window example

  1. Once grades have been entered in the Midterm or Final Grade column, select the ‘Submit’ button. A confirmation message will appear, and grades successfully submitted to Banner will be indicated by the “Submitted” check boxes for each student will appear.
  2. If you need to change a grade, you may access the grading page again and update grades as needed until grades are locked/rolled by the Registrar’s office.
  3. Have questions about official midterm or final grading?  Please review the Registrar’s faculty grading page.
  4. Have questions about the Canvas “Submit Grades to Banner” tool? Please submit a help desk request.



  • Do students see the “Submit Grades to Banner” course link?
    • No, only course users with administrative access can see this link. This includes the following roles, “Teacher”, “Instructor” and “TA”. 
  • Do I have to submit grades using the Canvas-to-Banner grading?
  • Can TAs or co-instructors load midterm or final grades via the Canvas-to-Banner grading page?
    • No, only the instructor of record listed in Banner (accessed through Trailhead) can successfully submit grades using this tool. Although, the course link is visible to all instructors, teachers and TAs in the course. 
  • Does the Canvas-to-Banner grading feature automatically push/load grades to Banner?
    • No, grades are not automatically loaded. The instructor of record must enter and submit grades. 
  • Does the Canvas-to-Banner grading page take the place of the Canvas gradebook?
    • No, the “Submit Grades to Banner” grade page is separate and unique from the Canvas gradebook. Canvas courses will contain both:
      • The standard Canvas Gradebook is provided as part of Canvas and will continue to be used for assignments, quizzes, etc.  
      • The Canvas-to-Banner grading page is where teachers may choose to submit grades to Banner only. 
  • When can I submit grades using the Canvas-to-Banner grading page?
    • Grade loading time lines follow the regular grade loading time lines outlined on the academic calendar
  • Can I get training on using the Canvas gradebook?
  • I have a question regarding midterm or final grading, who do i contact?
Common Errors

Common Error #1 – If you are trying to import grades and get the error message below you have gone to the old SSB8 grading page. Do not go to “Self Service”.


You must go to “Faculty Services” and click “Faculty Self-Service” (highlighted below). Then click “Faculty Grade Entry”.

Common Error #2 – If you receive the error message below you must submit a ticket to ITS. Be sure to select “Banner Access” to ensure the ticket gets addressed to the appropriate team. You can begin this process by clicking here: https://helpcenter.mines.edu.

Grade Changes

Grade Changes are made in Trailhead by going to the “Faculty Services” card and selecting “Faculty Grade Change” or “Admin Grade Change”. This can be done to update an INC or grade from a past semester. If the final grading period is open for the current term you must enter grades through the final grade roster in Trailhead.

If you submitted an INC and you are past the one-year period to change it to a grade you cannot submit a ‘Grade Change’. After the one-year period, faculty are required to get Department Head (DH) approval and email the grade (along with the DH approval) to grading@mines.edu.

If you experience issues submitting a Grade Change please contact grading@mines.edu.



Grade Changes After One Year Deadline

Grade changes after the one year deadline require approval from the Department Head. This approval must be emailed to grading@mines.edu, along with the grade change information. The change cannot be submitted through the Grade Change workflow as it requires manual entry by the Registrar’s Office.