Our instrumentation rates are structured such that we are non-competitive with private enterprise. Internal user rates are based on Mines’ actual costs of maintaining the instruments and the laboratories they’re housed in. External user rates reflect Mines’ direct, indirect and overhead costs associated with maintaining and providing access to the labs and instruments, as well as market surveys of comparable services provided by commercial (private) laboratories. Rates are subject to change.

External Users Billing: Invoices will be emailed at the start of each month for the previous month’s services and/or instrument usage. Payment is due within 30 days and can be made by credit card, ACH, or check.

Instrument Rates (effective January 1, 2025)

Electron Microscopy

InstrumentInternal RateExternal Academic RateExternal Rate
FEI Helios Nanolab FIB/SEM*$62/hr$94/hr$310/hr
FEI Quanta 600i Environmental SEM*$30/hr$46/hr$185/hr
FEI Talos F200X TEM/STEM*$75/hr$114/hr$350/hr
FEI Tecnai T12*$45/hr$68/hr$180/hr
Nova NanoSEM 450 FESEM$40/hr$61/hr$240/hr
Phenom SEM$25/hr$40/hr$175/hr
Tescan S8252G Raman-SEM/FIB*$62/hr$94/hr$310/hr
JEOL IB-0910CP Cross-Section Polisher$9/hr$14/hr$14/hr
Technical Assistance or Training$60/hr$98/hr$125/hr

*Internal projects anticipating more than 12 hours per month of use on a given EM instrument, please contact the instrument manager regarding the EM bulk pricing policy.



Mass Spectrometry

InstrumentInternal RateExternal Academic RateExternal Rate
Cameca LEAP 4000X SI*$92/hr$151/hr$460/hr
IonTOF TOF-SIMS.V$104/hr$157/hr$425/hr
Sciex 5500 Triple Quad$38.55/sample
$421/method day
Request QuoteRequest Quote
Sciex x500R QToF$43.35/sample
$473/method day
Request QuoteRequest Quote
Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 120$43.35/sample
$473/method day
Request QuoteRequest Quote
Technical Assistance$60/hr$98/hr$125/hr

*Technical assistance and training are charged in addition to instrument rates.  For internal projects anticipating more than 12 hours per month of use on this instrument, please contact the instrument manager regarding the bulk pricing policy.


Optical & Electrical Surface Characterization

InstrumentInternal RateExternal Academic RateExternal Rate
AttoDry 2100$13/hr$20/hr$65/hr
Janis Cryostat$7/hr$40/hr$100/hr
Solar Simulator$25/hr$40/hr$120/hr
UV-Vis Spectrometer$25/hr$40/hr$100/hr
4-Probe Electrical Probe Station$20/hr$32/hr$120/hr
FTIR Spectrometer/Ellipsometer$34/hr$52/hr$135/hr
Woollam M-2000 Ellipsometer$26/hr$39/hr$135/hr
Technical Assistance or Training$60/hr$98/hr$125/hr


Materials Development

InstrumentInternal RateExternal Academic RateExternal Rate
Arcast 200$41/hr$241/hr$241/hr
3D Systems DMP Flex 350Request QuoteRequest QuoteRequest Quote
Lithoz CeraFab 3500Request QuoteRequest QuoteRequest Quote
EOS M 290Request QuoteRequest QuoteRequest Quote
Technical Assistance or Training$60/hr$98/hr$125/hr


Mechanical Testing

InstrumentInternal RateExternal Academic RateExternal Rate
DSI Gleeble 3800-GTC$30/hr$46/hr$175/hr
Electromechanical Load Frames$15/hr$23/hr$175/hr
Fatigue Machines$2.50/hr$4/hr$44/hr
Servohydraulic Load Frames$20/hr$31/hr$175/hr
MTS Exceed Impact Tester$10/hr$15/hr$175/hr
Technical Assistance$60/hr$98/hr$125/hr



InstrumentInternal RateExternal Academic RateExternal Rate
Clean Room - UV Mask Aligner$30/hr$50/hr$130/hr
Clean Room - UV Laser Lithography$35/hr$56/hr$140/hr
Clean Room - Other$25/hr$40/hr$120/hr
Disco DAD321 Dicing Saw$30/hr$50/hr$125/hr
E-beam Lithography$95/hr$155/hr$300/hr
High Temperature Furnaces$25/hr$40/hr$100/hr
Plasma Preen$20/hr$32/hr$145/hr
Rapid Thermal Annealer$25/hr$40/hr$100/hr
Reactive Ion Etchers $30/hr$50/hr$145/hr
Wire Bonder$35/hr$56/hr$140/hr
Technical Assistance or Training$60/hr$98/hr$125/hr


Scanning Probe and Optical Microscopy

InstrumentInternal RateExternal Academic RateExternal Rate
ASYLUM MFP-3D Scanning Probe Microscope$35/hr$53/hr$100/hr
Digital Instruments AFM$25/hr$40/hr$120/hr
Keyence VHX-5000$10/hr$15/hr$180/hr
WiTec Laser Confocal Raman Microscope$28/hr$43/hr
Technical Assistance or Training$60/hr$98/hr$125/hr



Microscopy Sample Preparation

InstrumentInternal RateExternal Academic RateExternal Rate
3mm Disc Cutter/Foil Punch$5/sample$7/sample$25/sample
Cressington Carbon Sputter Coater$2/run$4/run$4/run
Denton Vacuum Gold Sputter Coater$15/run$23/run$23/run
Electropointer APT electropolisher$15/hr$22/hr$75/hr
Fischione Twin-Jet Electropolisher$15/sample$22/sample$75/sample
Gatan Dimple Grinder II$15/hr$22/hr$75/hr
Gatan Duo Argon Ion Mill$10/hr$15/hr$50/hr
Hummer Gold Sputter Coater$15/run$23/run$23/run
JEOL IB-0910CP Cross-Section Polisher$9/run$14/run$14/run
Technical Assistance or Training$60/hr$98/hr$125/hr



Thin Film Deposition

InstrumentInternal RateExternal Academic RateExternal Rate
AJA Sputtering system$40/hr$57/hr$150/hr
AJA UHV Multi Deposition System$40/hr$57/hr$200/hr
Angstrom Thermal evaporator$30/hr$50/hr$130/hr
High Temperature Thermal Evaporator$30/hr$48/hr$130/hr
Semicore Sputtering System$40/hr$57/hr$150/hr
Tabletop Gold Sputter Coater$15/run$23/run$23/run
Cressington Carbon Sputter Coater$2/run$4/run$12/run
Hummer Gold Sputter Coater$15/Run$23/run$23/run
Gold charge per nm$1/nm$1/nm$1/nm
Technical Assistance or Training$60/hr$98/hr$125/hr


Water Quality Analysis

ProcessInternal RateExternal Academic RateExternal Rate
Total Nitrogen$10.51/sample$15.99/sample$15.99/sample


X-ray Diffraction & Computed Tomography

InstrumentInternal RateExternal Academic RateExternal Rate
Panalytical X’Pert Pro $23/hr$35/hr$105/hr
Malvern Panalytical Empyrean X-ray Diffractometer$38/hr$56/hr$200/hr
Zeiss Versa 520 XCT$80/hr$94/hr$338/hr
Technical Assistance or Training$60/hr$98/hr$125/hr


X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

InstrumentInternal RateExternal Academic RateExternal Rate
Environmental XPS$80/hr$122$300/hr
Technical Assistance or Training$60/hr$98/hr$125/hr