SHIP Termination Policy

Insurance Termination Policy


Coverage terminates January 31 at 11:59 p.m. for Fall semester students who:

  • Graduate in December
  • Are not enrolled in at least one class for Spring
  • Otherwise lose eligibility as describe in the Master Policy

Coverage terminates July 31 at 11:59 p.m. for ALL Full Academic Year/Spring only/Summer only students!

  • Students need to re-enroll for benefits during the 24/25 enrollment/waiver period from July 15 – September 4


Refunds for the cost of coverage will ONLY be made upon the entry of any Covered Person into the armed forces of any country. A prorated refund will be returned to such person upon written request.

Coverage after Graduation

If you need coverage after August 1, 2024 you have several options:

  1. Coverage with an employer.  If you are starting a new job that offers health insurance, check with your employer to see what you need to do and when to enroll.
  2. Coverage under parent’s or spouse’s health insurance.  Because your SHIP coverage ends on August 1, 2024 this can be considered a qualifying event, which may allow you to obtain coverage under your parent’s health insurance if you are under age 26.
  3. Explore coverage options through a reputable online source, such as:
    • a major health insurance carrier that offers Individual Health Insurance policies
    • an independent insurance broker

To Consider when Selecting a Health Insurance Plan

When considering an exchange plan, specifically ask when your new health insurance coverage will start. To avoid any potential gaps in coverage if you choose a plan on, or a private exchange, you may need to enroll by July 1, 2024 for a plan that will start on August 1, 2024.

Also, when enrolling with another health insurance company or through an exchange, you may be asked to provide documentation showing when prior health insurance coverage ended. Contact AHP at 855-517-8460 for a “certificate of coverage” or locate it in your AHP student account. This document will show the effective dates for the 2023-2024 policy year for the SHIP.  AHP will email or mail you this form if you are unable to access it.

Make sure you plan ahead to ensure you have coverage after August 1, 2024. Before you buy any plan, carefully review the medical and prescription drug benefits offered, the list or network of providers you can go to, and how much you should expect to pay out of your pocket in the form of deductibles, copays or co-insurance.

If you have any questions, please contact our office by email at, by phone at 303.273.3388 or in person at 1770 Elm Street, Room 236, Golden, CO  80401.


Andrea Tangney
Student Health Insurance Plan Manager
Student Wellness Center, #236