
Student Outreach and Support at Mines strives to enhance student well-being through identifying needs, removing barriers, and facilitating connection to campus and community resources.

Services & Functions

  • Manage SOS referral system
  • Evaluate threat and assess risk to self and/or the community
  • Assess student needs and connect to the appropriate resources
  • Educate students on the services available to support them
  • Work collaboratively with the student and campus partners to develop an action plan
  • Consult and train on supporting students in navigating challenging situations
  • Assess student’s situation and refer to Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) if necessary 


  • Foster self-advocacy in students to manage their academic, personal and fiscal responsibilities
  • Advocate for students individually and systemically
  • Develop an environment where everyone within the campus community understands their responsibility in noticing the well-being of those around them
  • Serve as a resource for faculty, staff, families and students so that student issues are being addressed in timely and effective manner
  • Balance the individual needs of the student with that of the greater community

Case Management

Student Outreach & Support works towards the mission of enhancing student well-being through providing both outreach and non-clinical case management to students. Our case management is student centered and rooted in concepts of holistic well-being and self-empowerment. “Case managers in the higher education setting provide goal-oriented and strengths- based assessment, intervention, and coordination of services to students experiencing academic, personal, or medical difficulties in order to assist them in removing barriers to success and increasing their holistic well-being.” (A Practical Guide to Case Management in Higher Education, Schiemann & Molnar) Our case management process grounds itself in these ideas to assess and understand what challenges the student is facing and how we can best connect them to resources. Case Management functions include assessment, advocacy, systems navigation, coordination of resources, follow-up services, and documentation.

Case Management services are generally initiated after a SOS referral is submitted for a student, however, students are encouraged to submit a self-referral if they are in need of support. Just because someone consults with an SOS Case Manager does not mean the student’s situation is automatically brought to the BIT Team. SOS Case Managers are responsible for assessing a student’s situation and referring to the BIT Team if necessary.

Contact Us

1225 17th Street
Golden, CO 80401