Banner with poem: "Engineering make bridges, Artists make paintings, Scientists make rockets, Teachers make them all"

Interested in Teaching?

Now is the time to earn your Colorado teaching license and keep it for life!

Teach@Mines offers licensure , a minor in Teaching, a degree in Design Engineering with a STEM Teaching focus area, and an MS in STEM Education to prepare students for teaching careers at any level, from elementary to university-level instruction. Explore the site to learn more about T@M courses, advising, and certification pathways.

Teach@Mines enables Mines students to transfer their STEM expertise to the K-12 context by offering STEM career options as science, math, and computer science teachers. Students learn how to translate the science of teaching, learning, and assessing to formal and informal educational practices. Teach@Mines prepares pre-service STEM teachers to respectfully provide compassionate, ethical, and innovative curriculum and education, resulting in rewarding teaching careers.

Start Your Teaching Journey

Teach@Mines Student & Mentor Teacher

Teach@Mines is the first and only program in Colorado that focuses exclusively on training STEM teachers. Our program has been rated as top 5 in Physics Teacher Prep Programs in the nation.

Mines students can choose from 3 different pathways to double their career options. Teach@Mines offers a minor in teaching, a major in Design Engineering with a STEM Teaching Focus, and a Master’s in STEM education with path to licensure.

We offer courses for students to both try out teaching and to prepare to teach (K-12 or college). A person can start on this path at any point in their Mines career as an undergraduate student, graduate student or as a Mines alumni.


Teaching pathway outcomes

There are generous student loan forgiveness programs and scholarships for science and math teachers.

At year 15, the middle 15% of teacher salaries ranges between $68,000 and $114,000 (IQR), nationally.

Teachers earn an additional pay of $1,000 – $8,000 for coaching & clubs.

Most teaching jobs have better retirement benefits than private industry.

You can get a job almost anywhere in the US or abroad as a science or math teacher.

Behind every advance in medicine or technology is a teacher who left a lasting impression.

Check out these testimonials from Teach@Mines Alumni to learn more about why teaching might be for you!

TA Appreciation Night 


4 — 6pm


This will be for TAs to network with each other and build community as well as for our organization to give thanks and gift bags to the great work TA’s are doing on campus! 



4 – 5pm 


This is an opportunity for students interested in the education sector to meet like-minded peers by hanging out and having snacks. Students can have discussions around teaching, their experiences in the classroom, and hopes for the future. 



4 – 5pm 


This is an opportunity for students interested in the education sector to meet like-minded peers by hanging out and having snacks. Students can have discussions around teaching, their experiences in the classroom, and hopes for the future. 

TEA and Games  


4 – 5pm 


This is an opportunity for students interested in the education sector to meet like-minded peers by playing board games and having snacks. Students can have discussions around teaching, their experiences in the classroom, and hopes for the future.