We wanted to let you know about a great partnership between Mines, the Gordon Family Foundation and Metro State. You can share this with any High School students that you may know that may be interested to attend. They have extended the deadline to enroll to 5/31/23.
Below is a bit more detail and I have copied Sam Araujo with the Computer Science Dept. who manages the program for Mines.
{CodeDenver}: Dates – June 20th-July 14th 8am-3pm. Students will be on Mines Campus July 5-12 overnight. Through {Code Denver}, we have an opportunity to immerse students in key elements of cutting-edge technology and STEM-based career opportunities available to them in their own communities. In addition to engaging these students with core components of critical design thinking, we also will support them in completing site visits to a broad spectrum of technology-driven organizations. They’ll also have valuable opportunities to learn from industry experts representing a wide array of STEM career paths. Among other milestones, while working with Mines & MSU faculty and staff, {Code Denver} students will complete team projects that they will devise using methodology and concepts gleaned from site visits, guest speakers, and technology with which they will interact during class time. When team projects are complete, students will gain professional experience by presenting that work. Confirmed site visits include: Denver Water Treatment Plant, NOAA in Boulder, NREL in Golden. Metro State and Mines work together to provide an awesome summer program called Code Denver (in partnership with the Gordon Family Foundation – like Aaron Gordon from the Nuggets!!!!) that is free. The applications just went live. Here is the link. https://www.gordonfamilygiving.org/code-2023-program