Have you heard of DAPT?

The Denver Area Physics Teachers (DAPT) group is a collection of High School Physics teachers that get together 4 times a school year (twice a semester) to discuss, share, create, and tweak activities and labs around a chosen unit for each meeting. Recent topics covered have been Circular Motion, Electrostatics, Waves, and Rotational Motion. Teachers are provided food, materials for one of the activities/labs. Meant to further the physics community of the Front Range, DAPT creates connections and networking among teachers, provides resources for teachers to make their jobs easier and seeks to make physics a reachable and attainable science for all students.

Their next meeting is Saturday April 8th: 9:00-11:00 in MZ322 With a focus on Modern Physics.          


Please RSVP if you are planning to attend and if you have any questions reach out to Allie (ambolter@mines.edu) or Matt (mpleach@mines.edu)