The teaching major at Mines is designed to prepare students to enter a classroom and obtain a teaching license immediately upon graduation. They will also prepare students (including graduate students) for teaching at the college level. Topics include educational psychology, modern pedagogical techniques, classroom management, and more!
The 18 credit hour Minor is designed to be completed in two years.
Core Courses
SCED262 – K-12 Field Experience & Building Student Relationships (3 credits)
SCED333 – Educational Psychology and Assessment(3 credits)
SCED363 – Dynamic Teaching: Motivation, Classroom Management, and Differentiation of Instruction (3 credits)
Teaching Techniques
(choose one)
CSED435 – Computer Science Teaching Techniques (3 credits)
MAED425 Pre-Algebra and Algebra Teaching Techniques (3 credits)
SCED445 Physics and Chemistry Teaching Techniques (3 credits)
Practices in the Field
(choose one)
SCED415 – Scientific Practices vs. Engineering Design & the Nature of Science (3 credits)
CSED430 – Computer Science Practices and Technological Impacts on Society (3 credits)
MAED405 – Mathematical Practices & the Social Context of Math (3 Credits)
SCED/MAED/CSED 464 Capstone Curriculum Design I – Practicum (3 credits)
Optional: Add Licensure
By adding one more class (SCED/MAED/CSED565 – Capstone Curriculum Design II – Student Teaching – 6-12 credits arranged with instructor), you would be able to graduate with a minor in teaching and your teaching license.