Rebecca Mitchell ’01, ’08
Rebecca Mitchell ’01, ’08

Appointed January 1, 2025
Term expires December 31, 2028
Rebecca Mitchell (Becky) is the State of Colorado’s Commissioner to the Upper Colorado River Commission. Mitchell took on this upgraded role in July 2023 to enhance the state’s position in Colorado River interstate issues and negotiations on the operations of Lake Mead and Lake Powell. She is an accomplished water leader with over 20 years of experience in the water sector and is highly knowledgeable in Colorado water law. Mitchell was also appointed Director of the Inter-Basin Compact Committee (IBCC) in October 2023. Mitchell’s appointment has strengthened and integrated water policy discussions happening across the state and the Colorado River Basin.
Previously, Mitchell was the Director of the Colorado Water Conservation Board and played a significant role in developing the Colorado Water Plan, working with the state’s nine basin roundtables, the Interbasin Compact Committee, and the public.
She has worked as a consulting engineer in both the public and private sectors. She received her B.S. and M.S. from the Colorado School of Mines.