IMPORTANT: Registration has CLOSED for student presenters! Fall 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium Registration Form THIS IS THE FINAL FORM FOR THE 2024 FALL UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM! How will you be participating in the symposium?* Presenter Volunteer Judge (grad students, post-docs, faculty, & staff) Presenter InformationPlease complete this registration form by the deadline - Friday, August 30th. Please note that creating a poster for the Fall Symposium is required for all SURF Scholars. If you have a course conflict, we will procure an excused absence for you. If you can still not attend for a reason out of your control, you must still create a poster ahead of the time to be displayed at the symposium. Please discuss your abstract with your faculty mentor to get their approval before submitting this form. For more information, please go to the symposium webpage at the website:*This will be printed in the Symposium Booklet, so please use your preferred name. First Last Mines Email:* CWID*Do you need an excused absence to attend the symposium?*If you have a course during the symposium time, Undergraduate Research Scholars will procure an excused absence for you. Yes No Academic Status:* Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Your Primary Department*-- Select a Department --Applied Mathematics and StatisticsChemical and Biological EngineeringChemistryCivil and Environmental EngineeringComputer ScienceEconomics and BusinessElectrical EngineeringEngineering, Design, and SocietyGeology and Geological EngineeringGeophysicsHumanities, Arts, and Social SciencesMechanical EngineeringMetallurgical and Materials EngineeringMining EngineeringPetroleum EngineeringPhysicsQuantitative Biological EngineeringDid you conduct research with a Mines faculty member or off campus?* Mines Faculty Member Off campus You said that you conducted this research off-campus. Please let us know in what program you participated and with what university.Tell us if you plan to present individually or will have co-presenters*Undergraduate students who are working on the same research project might consider presenting together. Are you presenting the same research project with another undergraduate student researcher or are you presenting alone? If you are presenting with other students, ***only one of you needs to submit this form.*** However, please consult with your co-presenters before submitting to obtain their correct information, headshots, etc. I am presenting with another student. I am presenting alone. How many other students will be presenting alongside you?* 1 undergraduate student. 2 undergraduate students. 3 undergraduate students. Co-Presenter Information1st Co-Presenter Name:*This will be printed in the Symposium Booklet, so please use your preferred name. First Last 1st Co-Presenter Email:* 1st Co-Presenter's CWID*Does the 1st Co-Presenter need an excused absence to attend the symposium?*If you have a course during the symposium time, Undergraduate Research Scholars will procure an excused absence for you. Yes No 1st Co-Presenter's Academic Status:* Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior 1st Co-Presenter's Department:*-- Select a Department --Applied Mathematics and StatisticsChemical and Biological EngineeringChemistryCivil and Environmental EngineeringComputer ScienceEconomics and BusinessElectrical EngineeringEngineering, Design, and SocietyGeology and Geological EngineeringGeophysicsHumanities, Arts, and Social SciencesMechanical EngineeringMetallurgical & Materials EngineeringMining EngineeringPetroleum EngineeringPhysics2nd Co-Presenter Name:* First Last 2nd Co-Presenter Email:* 2nd Presenter's CWID*Does the 2nd Co-Presenter need an excused absence to attend the symposium?*If you have a course during the symposium time, Undergraduate Research Scholars will procure an excused absence for you. Yes No 2nd Co-Presenter's Academic Status:* Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior 2nd Co-Presenter's Department:*-- Select a Department --Applied Mathematics and StatisticsChemical and Biological EngineeringChemistryCivil and Environmental EngineeringComputer ScienceEconomics and BusinessElectrical EngineeringEngineering, Design, and SocietyGeology and Geological EngineeringGeophysicsHumanities, Arts, and Social SciencesMechanical EngineeringMetallurgical and Materials EngineeringMining EngineeringPetroleum EngineeringPhysics3rd Co-Presenter Name:*This will be printed in the Symposium Booklet, so please use your preferred name. First Last 3rd Co-Presenter Email:* 3rd Presenter's CWID*Does the 3rd Co-Presenter need an excused absence to attend the symposium?*If you have a course during the symposium time, Undergraduate Research Scholars will procure an excused absence for you. Yes No 3rd Co-Presenter's Academic Status:* Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior 3rd Co-Presenter's Department:*-- Select a Department --Applied Mathematics and StatisticsChemical and Biological EngineeringChemistryCivil and Environmental EngineeringComputer ScienceEconomics and BusinessElectrical EngineeringEngineering, Design, and SocietyGeology and Geological EngineeringGeophysicsHumanities, Arts, and Social SciencesMechanical EngineeringMetallurgical and Materials EngineeringMining EngineeringPetroleum EngineeringPhysicsResearch Mentor InformationMentor Name:* First Last Mentor Email:* Mentor's Primary Department:*-- Select a Department --Applied Mathematics and StatisticsChemical and Biological EngineeringChemistryCivil and Environmental EngineeringComputer ScienceEconomics and BusinessElectrical EngineeringEngineering, Design, and SocietyGeology and Geological EngineeringGeophysicsHumanities, Arts, and Social SciencesMechanical EngineeringMetallurgical & Materials EngineeringMining EngineeringPetroleum EngineeringPhysicsUnlisted and/or Not a Mines FacultyYou stated that your Mentor Department was unlisted, please provide your mentor's academic or business affiliation below.Would you like to list an additonal mentor?* No. Yes, I would like to list 1 addtional mentor. Yes, I would like to list 2 additional mentors. Yes, I would like to list 3 additional mentors. Additional Research Mentor1st Additional Mentor Name: First Last 1st Additional Mentor Email: 1st Additional Mentor Department:-- Select a Department --Applied Mathematics and StatisticsChemical and Biological EngineeringChemistryCivil and Environmental EngineeringColorado Geological SurveyComputer ScienceEconomics and BusinessElectrical EngineeringEnergyGeochemistryGeology and Geological EngineeringGeophysicsHumanitarian EngineeringHumanities, Arts, and Social SciencesHydrologic Science and EngineeringLibraryMaterials ScienceMechanical EngineeringMetallurgical and Materials EngineeringMilitary Science/ROTCNuclear Science and EngineeringOperations Research with EngineeringPetroleum EngineeringPhysical Education and AthleticsPhysicsUnderground Construction and TunnelingUnlisted and/or Not a Mines FacultyYou stated that your 1st Additional Mentor Department was unlisted, please provide your mentor's academic or business affiliation below.2nd Additional Mentor Name: First Last 2nd Additional Mentor Email: 2nd Additional Mentor Department:-- Select a Department --Applied Mathematics and StatisticsChemical and Biological EngineeringChemistryCivil and Environmental EngineeringColorado Geological SurveyComputer ScienceEconomics and BusinessElectrical EngineeringEnergyGeochemistryGeology and Geological EngineeringGeophysicsHumanitarian EngineeringHumanities and Social SciencesHydrologic Science and EngineeringLibraryMaterials ScienceMechanical EngineeringMetallurgical and Materials EngineeringMilitary Science/ROTCNuclear Science and EngineeringOperations Research with EngineeringPetroleum EngineeringPhysical Education and AthleticsPhysicsUnderground Construction and TunnelingUnlisted and/or Not a Mines FacultyYou stated that your 2nd Additional Mentor Department was unlisted, please provide your mentor's academic or business affiliation below.3rd Additional Mentor Name: First Last 3rd Additional Mentor Email: 3rd Additional Mentor Department:-- Select a Department --Applied Mathematics and StatisticsChemical and Biological EngineeringChemistryCivil and Environmental EngineeringColorado Geological SurveyComputer ScienceEconomics and BusinessElectrical EngineeringEnergyGeochemistryGeology and Geological EngineeringGeophysicsHumanitarian EngineeringHumanities, Arts, and Social SciencesHydrologic Science and EngineeringLibraryMaterials ScienceMechanical EngineeringMetallurgical and Materials EngineeringMilitary Science/ROTCNuclear Science and EngineeringOperations Research with EngineeringPetroleum EngineeringPhysical Education and AthleticsPhysicsUnderground Construction and TunnelingUnlisted and/or Not a Mines FacultyYou stated that your 3rd Additional Mentor Department was unlisted, please provide your mentor's academic or business affiliation below.Project InformationPlease consult with your faculty mentor to prepare the abstract and get their approval before submission. A copy of your Abstract submission will be sent to your mentor.Research Project Title:*Write an abstract summarizing your research project (max 250 words):*This is your FINAL abstract. Please check for errors before submitting. Please be sure to consult with your faculty mentor to prepare the abstract and get their approval before submission. Need help with getting started? Visit the UG Research Symposium page ( to view sample abstracts from previous years. Headshot and Program Feedback (SURF Scholars ONLY must complete this section)Please upload a headshot for yourself and each co-presenter Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 250 MB. Research ImagesIf you have any visually interesting research images (colorful cell images, graphs, equipment, etc.), please upload them here. We may use these images for designing the symposium cover or include them in the program. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 250 MB. BioPlease write out a short bio for each presenter. *Sample*: Jane Doe is a junior studying Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and has been involved in research since her first year. She works as a member of Dr. Joe Smoe's Transdisciplinary Materials Research Team. During this time, she was part of the FIRST and SURF programs, and works to research medical device metals, sustainable magnets, and investigates material properties for industry sponsors. In the future, she plans to attend graduate school and earn a Ph.D. in the field so she can further pursue research related to nanoscale biomaterials. In her free time, she enjoys watching scary movies and hiking. How was the SURF opportunity valuable to you?Dear Scholars, we truly appreciate a few words/sentences on how this SURF opportunity was valuable to you. We may include these quotes in the symposium program! You can also share your accomplishments from participating in research program, and include any feedback. Agreement*By clicking this box: - You acknowledge that you have reviewed the included information in this form with your mentor and relevant persons within your research cohort in advance of submission. - You acknowledge this is your FINAL abstract and title. - You acknowledge that, to the extent of your knowledge, none of the information included herein violates or infringes upon any copyrights or licenses. - Photo Release: The Undergraduate Research Symposium is a signature event and will have photographers, videographers, and recorded content during the event. We require all participants to sign a model release, allowing us to share content from the event and your presentations on our website. The following is the release you'll be signing by submitting this form: I hereby grant Colorado School of Mines permission to use my likeness in photograph(s)/video or audio recordings in perpetuity, in any and all of its publications and media (including the internet), now or in the future, controlled by Colorado School of Mines. I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product, and I waive any right to compensation. I release, indemnify and hold harmless the Colorado School of Mines and its Board of Trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives from any claims, damages, or liability arising from or related to the use of the photograph(s)/video or audio recordings. I agree.Volunteer InformationThe 2024 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium will be held in person on Tuesday, September 24th. Poster presentations will take place from 2-3 pm in the CoorsTek Atrium. We will need the most help during set-up and clean-up.Name:* First Last Email:* Are you available to help with the symposium planning?* Yes No Please indicate any of the dates and times listed below when you might be available to help. 9/24 1-2pm 9/24 2-3pm 9/24 3-4pm Judge InformationThank you for your interest in being a Judge for the Fall 2024 Research Symposium poster session on 9/24 from 2-3pm in the CoorsTek Atrium. Judges volunteer 1 hour of their time during the poster session to judge 3-4 posters according to a rubric. Please fill out the below questions and we will be in contact soon. Name:* First Last Email:* Are you a:* Faculty Staff Post-doc Graduate Student PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.