Spring 2023 Undergraduate Research Symposium Virtual Poster Judging
Welcome to our 2023 Spring Undergraduate Symposium virtual poster presentation judging site. Here you will be able to view student’s posters, ask questions through the comments section, and learn more about the awesome research that was conducted during the 2022-2023 school year. Thank you to all our MURF and FIRST scholars who worked hard and presented this year.


P106 The Relationship Between Hand Grip Strength and Mediolateral Torso Movement in Five Times Sit-To-Stand

P117 “What Goes Around Comes Back Around”: Analyzing the Surfaces of Medical Metal Devices During Their Multistage Journey to the Surgical Operating Room

P32 Cultivation of Varying Freshwater Mixotrophic Algae Strains in MDS-Mediated Synthetic Wastewater
How Does Judging Work?
Judging will be done through an online form. Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see a button to click to access the judging form. Judges appointed staff and faculty of Mines who are assigned by Undergraduate Research to specific posters. Each judge will assess 2 posters. Winners will be announced closer to the end of May. If you win, you will be notified via your Mines student email.
Poster presenters have the chance to win 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Posters will be judged using a points system that follows specific categories for judging. Judges can ask questions via the comment section, but may not receive a response from students. Students have the option to respond to comments, but they are not required to.
Requirements for Submission
If you are a student who presented at this year’s Spring Undergraduate Symposium, you can submit a poster for judging. Students had until May 1st to qualify by submitting a poster. Judging will start on May 3rd. Students are required to submit a digital copy of their poster, as well as a 3 minute video presentation of their poster. The poster must be a .jpg or .png file and the video presentation must be an .mp4 file.