Project Info

Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Latin America

Nicole Smith |

The goals of this project are to understand the technical and social complexity of artisanal and small-scale gold mining communities in Latin America, in particular, Peru and Colombia. By working toward these goals, this project incorporates social and technical data that can be used to inform policy aimed at the artisanal and small-mining sector and technological interventions that can support mining communities in safer and cleaner mining and mineral processing activities.

More Information

Grand Engineering Challenge: Not applicable

Student Preparation


Students who can read, write, and speak Spanish are preferred, but not required.
Required qualifications include a curiosity about sustainable development, artisanal and small-scale mining, and the integration of social science and engineering research.

Time Commitment

20-30 hours/month

Skills/Techniques Gained

The student will gain skills in analyzing social and technical data, writing reports, communicating with international project partners, media outreach.

Mentoring Plan

Mentorship will occur through biweekly meetings where we discuss the research and the outcomes. Student will also receive mentoring in data analysis, writing, and communications.