Project Info

Assessing Ethics Education at Mines

Sandy Woodson |

Our research includes evaluating ethics instruction at Mines, and comparing it to other universities–universities that emphasize STEM, e.g., MIT, Stanford, etc. Not only will this require gathering information about curricula, but will also ask the researcher to gather information about student life and activities (that focus on ethics, broadly construed).

More Information

Hess, J., & Fore, G. (2017). A systematic literature review of US engineering ethics interventions. Science and Engineering Ethics. Available online:

Grand Engineering: Advance personalized learning

Student Preparation


“Basic research skills + interest in learning about other universities
Interest in ethics and how ethics might be taught”

Time Commitment

8 hours/month

Skills/Techniques Gained

“Improved research skills
Improved analytic skills
Synthesis skills
Improved writing skills”

Mentoring Plan

We will show the student the kind of information we’re looking for, and initially show him/her how to find it. We will then meet with the student every other week to see results and troubleshoot. We will also work with the student to develop a table/graph that compares the different universities & their approaches.