Project Info

Development of 3-D Printed Radiation Shielding

Jeffrey King |

Radiation shielding is important in any field that uses ionizing radiation (space exploration, nuclear medicine, nuclear reactor design, etc.). The ability to manufacture custom shield geometries on-demand would provide both economic benefits and the ability to reduce radiation doses by careful shield design. The project is focused on developing and demonstrating new 3-D printer filaments that are doped with radiation absorbing materials, with the intent to eventually commercialize these materials.

More Information
Shultis and Faw, _Radiation Shielding_, American Nuclear Society, 2000.”

Grand Engineering Challenge: Provide energy from fusion

Student Preparation


Ability to design parts in CAD and produce parts using a Filament Deposition Manufacturing (FDM) printer. Basic shop skills and the ability to design/manufacture aluminum structures using 80/20 extrusion. Ability to operate and troubleshoot machinery. Calculate and prepare chemical mixtures. Conduct basic research beyond the use of Google searches.

Time Commitment

20-40 hours/month

Skills/Techniques Gained

An introduction to radiation and radiation effects. Experience producing 3-D printer filaments. Material characterization and examination techniques.

Mentoring Plan

Weekly meetings, supplemented by hands-on instructional sessions. Work supervised by a graduate student in my group.