Project Info

Engineering students’ knowledge and opinions about corporate social responsibility

Jessica Smith |

The project seeks to understand Mines students’ knowledge and opinions about corporate social responsibility, which is a key area of practice for engineers working inside of corporations but is under-studied in engineering education research. We have surveyed over 1200 students at Mines and need assistance managing the survey data and beginning to analyze it.

More Information

Smith, Nicole M., Jessica Smith, Linda Battalora, and Benjamin Teschner.* Industry-University Partnerships: Engineering Education and Corporate Social Responsibility. Forthcoming from Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice.

Smith, Jessica M., Carrie McClelland and Nicole Smith. 2017. Engineering Students’ Views of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study from Petroleum Engineering. Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6): 1775-1790.

Grand Engineering Challenges: Not applicable

Student Preparation


Proficient in Excel

Time Commitment

10 hours/month

Skills/Techniques Gained

Analysis and interpretation of survey data in light of academic literature on engineering education and social responsibility

Mentoring Plan

Once a week, one on one meetings