Project Info

Sampling and analysis of novel anaerobic wastewater treatment reactor

Junko Munakata Marr|

We have been operating a novel anaerobic wastewater treatment system at Mines Park for over three years. In contrast to traditional wastewater treatment plants that consume substantial energy and generate significant waste streams, our process requires minimal energy input and generates little waste, instead producing energy-rich biogas. The student will assist in sampling and analysis of the system as we adjust operating conditions to test and optimize operations; in the next year, we intend to implement a new nitrogen treatment capability in the system.

More Information

A. Pfluger, G. Vanzin, J. Munakata-Marr, L. Figueroa, “An anaerobic hybrid bioreactor for biologically enhanced primary treatment of domestic wastewater under low temperatures”, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 4:1851-1866 (2018). DOI: 10.1039/C8EW00237A

A. Pfluger, J. Callahan, J.R. Stokes-Draut, D. Ramey, S. Gagen, L. Figueroa, J. Munakata-Marr, “Lifecycle comparison of mainstream anaerobic baffled reactor and conventional activated sludge systems for domestic wastewater treatment”, Environmental Science & Technology 52 (18):10500–10510 (2018). DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b06684.

Grand Engineering Challenge: Manage the nitrogen cycle

Student Preparation


Comfort with working in “dirty” lab, attention to safety and procedural details

Time Commitment

20 hours/month

Skills/Techniques Gained

The student will become proficient at running traditional water quality analyses such as chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), ammonia, volatile and suspended solids. The student will also become familiar with wastewater treatment processes, including novel approaches to biological nutrient removal.

Mentoring Plan

The PhD student leading the project will be the primary point of contact; she will work with the student consistently until the student is able to operate more independently in the lab. She will also meet regularly with the student outside of the lab. I as the PI organize weekly project meetings of the research team, which the student will be invited to attend.