Project Info

Synthesis and Characterization of Anti-viral Metal/Metal Oxide Particles

Terry Lowe |

This project is interesting because the results may impact humanity in an immediate and lasting manner by providing materials to help eradicate SARS-CoV-2 and other harmful pathogens in our biosphere.

The project is also appealing because it is embedded within an interdisciplinary research team with established mentoring practices, spirited cross-disciplinary training, and exceptional entrepreneurial spirit.


Ga di Borkow and Jeffrey Gabbay, “Putting copper into action: copper-impregnated products with potent biocidal activities,” FASEB Journal Vol. 18, 2004, pp. 1728-1730.

Hajipour, et al., “Antibacterial properties of nanoparticles,” Trends in Biotechnology October 2012, Vol.30, No.10, 499-511.

Sandra Suppi, et al., “A novel method for comparison of biocidal properties of nanomaterials to bacteria, yeasts, and algae,” Journal of Hazardous Materials 286 (2015) 75–84,


Student Preparation


All skills and background to conduct this project will be taught via mentoring by members of Dr. Lowe’s research team. Background knowledge of materials chemistry, microbiology, cell biology, surface science, and materials science will be helpful but are not required.

Time Commitment

5-8 hours/week

Skills/Techniques Gained

We will teach skills in laboratory synthesis of metal particles and oxides. Skills to characterize particles and their attachment to polymers will be taught, including scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy.

Mentoring Plan

Dr. Lowe’s Transdisciplinary Nanostructured Materials Research Team (TNMRT) has formal mentoring processes that are implemented for all research team members and associates. The team meets bi-weekly. All members are assigned multiple mentoring relationships to learn research skills, problem-solving, and technical leadership.