Project Info

Transport properties of synthetic porous media

Xiaolong Yin |

The objective of this project is to use synthetic porous media geometry models to probe the effect of adding or subtracting geometry features on permeability, dispersion, and relative permeability of porous media. The specific geometry features include dead-ends, cementation, surface roughness, and pore size distribution. Real rocks contain all of the aforementioned features; using synthetic geometry models offers an opportunity to evaluate the effect of these features in isolation.

More Information

Xiao, Yin. Geometry models of porous media based on Voronoi tessellations and their porosity-permeability relations. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 72, 328-348, 2016.

Grand Engineering Challenge: Engineer the tools of scientific discovery

Student Preparation


Familiarity or desire to learn Fortran / MATLAB and high-performance scientific computing.

Time Commitment

20-30 hours/month

Skills/Techniques Gained

Fortran, MATLAB, Linux, high performance parallel computing.

Mentoring Plan

Weekly individual meetings will be held.