Mathematical modeling of blood coagulation

Project Info  Mathematical modeling of blood coagulation Karin Leiderman | A break in a blood vessel triggers the process of blood coagulation, designed to seal the injury. Coagulation begins when tissue factor (TF) in the damaged vessel wall...

* Modeling the Synchronization of Cilia Outside a Sphere

Project Info * Modeling the Synchronization of Cilia Outside a Sphere Karin Leiderman | Cilia are present on any types of cells and have a myriad of functions. A common feature is the coordinated beating of groups of cilia, and much research has...

Investigating Discrete Fractional Calculus

Project Info Investigating Discrete Fractional Calculus Kevin Ahrendt | In a typical calculus course, students learn about first order derivatives, second order derivatives, and so on. This may lead one to ask the question, is there such a thing as a...

Active Subspaces in Landau Damping

Project Info Active Subspaces in Landau Damping Steve Pankavich | Active subspace analysis is an emerging computational tool to identify and exploit the most important directions in the space of a model’s input parameters. These directions...