Automating the Analysis of 3D Printed Metals Microstructures

Project Info Automating the Analysis of 3D Printed Metals Microstructures Aaron Stebner | This project is a large, collaborative effort between Mines, Lockheed Martin, Wolf Robotics, Carnegie Mellon, Oak Ridge, and other collaborators. The overall...

Communication Decisions in Robot Swarms

Project Info Communication Decisions in Robot Swarms Neil Dantam | Communication is critical to successful cooperation in robot swarms. Robots must decide, when, what, and with whom they will communicate. Communication decisions interact with the...

Learning to Plan

Project Info Learning to Plan Neil Dantam | Robot planners offer rich capabilities for autonomous decision-making. However, planners have many variations and parameters to choose from. Selecting the best planning approach is problem-dependent and may...

Vibration-based Keystroke Snooping

Project Info Vibration-based Keystroke Snooping Dejun Yang | Keystroke snooping, i.e. inferring a user’s typed inputs, is a serious threat to user privacy. The adversary can learn user’s sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, credit...