Paleogene climate zones

Project Info Paleogene climate zones Piret Plink-Bjorklund | Paleogene was a time of extreme global warming, and the paleo-climate data suggest that the global climate zones were very different from those of today. With this project we aim to map...

Fluvial fans – a new type of paleo-climate proxy?

Project Info Fluvial fans – a new type of paleo-climate proxy? Piret Plink-Bjorklund | Fluvial fans are a type of river deposits that form large fan-shaped bodies. There is an ongoing debate on whether fluvial fans are linked to specific climate...

Characterizing geochemical signatures of the deep-mantle Dupal anomaly

Project Info Characterizing geochemical signatures of the deep-mantle Dupal anomaly Richard Palin | During a review of worldwide igneous rock chemistry, Hart (1984) noticed that oceanic basalts with high 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios for a given...