Project InfoEnvironmental Seismology – Using Geophysical Tools to Study Surface ProcessesDanica Roth | droth@mines.eduMany active Earth surface processes, such as landslides or sediment transport in flooding rivers can be challenging, costly and potentially dangerous...
Project InfoApplying insulin sensitivity measures in the context of dysregulated insulinCecilia Diniz Behn | cdinizbe@mines.eduThe Oral Minimal Model (OMM) is a differential-equations-based mathematical model developed by Cobelli and colleagues to estimate an...
Project InfoIntegration of Sociotechnical Engineering into Core CoursesStephanie Claussen | sclausse@mines.eduThis project strives to make evident the sociotechnical nature of engineering in core engineering courses at Mines and CU Boulder. As an engineering education...
Project InfoObserved Control DevelopmentAndrew Petruska | apetruska@mines.eduThis project explores a new control approach that uses observer theory to create a robust and general control approach for nonlinear systems. The project will mostly be in support of testing...
Project InfoAutomated Lithology Prediction from Digital Outcrop Models Using Machine LearningZane Jobe | and Wendy Fisher | wfisher@mines.eduDrone-derived photogrammetry has become a ubiquitous data-collection technique for field geologists (in...