Project InfoIntegration of Sociotechnical Engineering into Core CoursesStephanie Claussen | sclausse@mines.eduThis project strives to make evident the sociotechnical nature of engineering in core engineering courses at Mines and CU Boulder. As an engineering education...
Project InfoModeling Well Logging for Oil and Gas ApplicationsMohammed Hadi | mhadi@mines.eduDevelop a numerical technique which allows real-time data analysis from well logging operations to improve well drilling efficiency. The developed technique will also help...
Project InfoIMURF – Mine Dust Measurement with Location TrackingJürgen Brune | jbrune@mines.eduCoal miners have a high prevalence of lung diseases, and it is rising. We are combining a personal dust monitor (PDM) with a location tracking system to identify...
Project Info IMURF – 1:40 Scaled Model of a Longwall Coal Mine for Explosion Testing Jürgen Brune | jbrune@mines.eduGreg Bogin, Jr. | This project investigates mine ventilation and explosion prevention in underground coal mines. Such explosions...
Project InfoMachine Learning For Materials CharacterizationReza Hedayat | hedayat@mines.eduThe main objectives of this project are to apply machine learning tools to better understand how brittle materials like rocks and concrete fail when subjected to stress and how...