Integration of sociotechnical engineering into core courses

Project InfoIntegration of Sociotechnical Engineering into Core CoursesStephanie Claussen | sclausse@mines.eduThis project strives to make evident the sociotechnical nature of engineering in core engineering courses at Mines and CU Boulder. As an engineering education...

Gold supply chains in Peru

Project InfoGold supply chains in PeruBo Wu | bwu@mines.eduThe goal of this project is to identify the components of the illicit gold supply chain in Peru and then model them to determine sites for disruption.More...

IMURF – Machine Learning and AI for resources engineering

Project InfoMachine Learning and AI for resources engineeringSebnem Duzgun | and Tulay Flamand | tflamand@mines.eduThe major goal of this research is to develop machine learning and artificial intelligence models for multimodel data in resources...

Machine Learning For Materials Characterization

Project InfoMachine Learning For Materials CharacterizationReza Hedayat | hedayat@mines.eduThe main objectives of this project are to apply machine learning tools to better understand how brittle materials like rocks and concrete fail when subjected to stress and how...