Project InfoIntegration of Sociotechnical Engineering into Core CoursesStephanie Claussen | sclausse@mines.eduThis project strives to make evident the sociotechnical nature of engineering in core engineering courses at Mines and CU Boulder. As an engineering education...
Project InfoIMURF – Evaluation of Capillary Condensation in Synthesized Porous Materials with Finely-Tuned Pore SizesXiaolong Yin | xyin@mines.eduBrian Trewyn | btrewyn@mines.eduIn many unconventional natural gas reservoirs, gas is stored in a tight, nanoporous...
Project InfoIMURF – Mine Dust Measurement with Location TrackingJürgen Brune | jbrune@mines.eduCoal miners have a high prevalence of lung diseases, and it is rising. We are combining a personal dust monitor (PDM) with a location tracking system to identify...
Project Info IMURF – 1:40 Scaled Model of a Longwall Coal Mine for Explosion Testing Jürgen Brune | jbrune@mines.eduGreg Bogin, Jr. | This project investigates mine ventilation and explosion prevention in underground coal mines. Such explosions...
Project InfoMachine Learning For Materials CharacterizationReza Hedayat | hedayat@mines.eduThe main objectives of this project are to apply machine learning tools to better understand how brittle materials like rocks and concrete fail when subjected to stress and how...