2020 Virtual undergraduate Research symposium

Real Time Model-Based Visual Servo Control


AUTHOR: Simon Reisig, Computer Science | MENTOR: Neil Dantam, Computer Science



In the current state of the art, robot manipulators are often very precise but not particularly accurate. This introduces issues when manipulators interact with their environment in that it can be difficult to accurately grasp or manipulate objects. By making use of real-time visual servoing, we can account for any inaccuracies from motor feedback in order to have our robot manipulator more accurately interact with its environment.

This semester we implemented a marker-based visual servoing scheme using the ArUco library that will be used as a baseline for comparison against a model-based tracking scheme that will be implemented in the future.





Simon Reisig is in his third year at Mines, and has been doing research in Dr. Neil Dantam’s robotics lab since his sophomore year. Simon is currently pursuing his Computer Science B.S., and has just been accepted into the Data Science Masters program at Mines.


1 Comment

  1. Your poster was easy to understand; but, I wish you had focused more on methods and conclusions. I would have liked to learn more about what works and why. Overall, good work!

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