Signature Events

Chevron Lecture Series

The Chevron Corporation provides funding for an annual luncheon each October featuring women leaders in science, engineering and business. The entire Mines community is invited to this annual event.

The Continuum: A Celebration of Women at Mines

In the spring of 1999, Susan Rainey, a graduating SWE member, met with a small group of SWE members, administrators and alumnae to discuss the idea of creating an event to honor the graduating women students and recognize the accomplishments of women at Mines—past, present and future. The group developed an event known as The Continuum and held the first celebration on April 7, 1999.

Since then, family, friends, alumnae and the Mines community are invited to gather on the Wednesday evening before graduation each fall and spring semester to attend this special graduation event.  As part of a tradition started in the 1960s, when women graduates were given a red rose by Mines’ president along with their diplomas, women graduates are announced at the end of The Continuum and presented with a red rose and Mines bud vase. The Continuum has become a tradition on campus and provides the opportunity for all women to be honored in celebration of their accomplishments at Mines.

Women’s History Month

Each March, WISEM sponsors several activities, including a luncheon event, to celebrate Women’s History Month. These events commemorate women’s accomplishments throughout history. For more details:

Wednesdays with WISEM

Each fall and spring, WISEM sponsors a luncheon and lecture to showcase an outstanding woman of Mines — faculty, staff or alumnae. The event celebrates women’s accomplishments in the realm of science, research, engineering or higher education. The speaker provides professional development to the audience and shares her story or success. For more details: