Mines Activities Council (MAC)

Colorado School of Mines

Engineering Entertainment

MAC is the sole programming board on campus. They are responsible for the acclaimed campus traditions like Homecoming and E-Days as well as other popular events like Oktoberfest, movie nights, comedians, tailgates, and block parties. MAC is comprised of 11 undergraduates whose primary passion is developing a signature experience for students while they are at Mines.

Mines Activities Council Logo
Mines students at the Carnival during E-Days


Mines students at the Homecoming bonfire


Two students smiling with thumbs up

Meet MAC

Group of MAC students


Evening concert at Colorado School of Mines E-Days

Upcoming Events

MAC hosts a variety of events throughout the year including Oktoberfest, movie nights, comedians, tailgates, and block parties.

Connect with Us

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As Colorado School of Mines prepares for our 150th anniversary in 2024, dynamic and disruptive change is all around us. MINES@150 is our plan to position Mines for future success.

It calls for change, but also to stay true to our timeless mission, pillars and core values.  MINES@150 leverages our size, location, and history, ensuring that our graduates will continue to be distinctive and highly valued, placing Mines at the frontiers of STEM education, research and innovation, and elevating our status among the world’s top universities.