PhD Program, Physics


PhD Program, Physics

Joshua LewisFor an academic field as collaborative as research, this fellowship represents a fantastic opportunity to meet and communicate with many other highly motivated and talented researchers studying open questions vital for the development of quantum engineering. With many of these available questions seemingly not related to one another, understanding and communicating with these other researchers provides a suitable set of circumstances for a prospective graduate student to reach out from their niche; to learn from others on many diverse topics whose solutions and research methods may provide excellent insight and instruction into one’s own questions and research. It is a profound honor to be selected for such a transformative program. My interactions with other participants will undoubtedly foster valuable networking opportunities, engender a sense of community, and serve as a catalyst for collective growth in our respective research capacities.

In my spare time, I have a particular passion for cooking, focusing on Korean, Indian, and Italian cuisine. Creating dishes from these different cultures allows me to explore other flavor profiles and methods for making foods with culinary traditions far removed from my own. Additionally, I love to hike in nature as it has allowed me to appreciate the serenity of the natural world while maintaining my mental and physical well-being. Finally, I get great joy from playing Dungeons and Dragons with my closest friends.

Joshua LewisFor an academic field as collaborative as research, this fellowship represents a fantastic opportunity to meet and communicate with many other highly motivated and talented researchers studying open questions vital for the development of quantum engineering. With many of these available questions seemingly not related to one another, understanding and communicating with these other researchers provides a suitable set of circumstances for a prospective graduate student to reach out from their niche; to learn from others on many diverse topics whose solutions and research methods may provide excellent insight and instruction into one’s own questions and research. It is a profound honor to be selected for such a transformative program. My interactions with other participants will undoubtedly foster valuable networking opportunities, engender a sense of community, and serve as a catalyst for collective growth in our respective research capacities.

In my spare time, I have a particular passion for cooking, focusing on Korean, Indian, and Italian cuisine. Creating dishes from these different cultures allows me to explore other flavor profiles and methods for making foods with culinary traditions far removed from my own. Additionally, I love to hike in nature as it has allowed me to appreciate the serenity of the natural world while maintaining my mental and physical well-being. Finally, I get great joy from playing Dungeons and Dragons with my closest friends.


Quantum Theory Lab


  • BS, Engineering Physics 2021, Colorado School of Mines
  • MS, Quantum Engineering, 2022, Colorado School of Mines

Research Interests

  • complexity in multiscale quantum materials
  • systems described through fractional calculus
  • many-body quantum physics
  • quantum information sciences

Current Projects

  • Investigating the speed and dynamics of information flow in highly connected quantum many body systems
  • Generation and analysis of eigenfunctions in fractional quantum systems
