MS Program, Quantum Technology


MS Program, Quantum Technology

James SaslowI am beyond excited for this quantum traineeship program and for the opportunity to improve my quantum engineering skills by learning from experts in the field. I aspire to be an influential member of the quantum community and to make contributions in the field of quantum algorithms. I was first introduced to quantum algorithms during my summer internship at the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) in upstate New York. At AFRL, I researched amplitude amplification schemes for solving QUBO problems and felt completely amazed by the elegance of these quantum algorithms. My hope is to utilize this traineeship at Colorado School of Mines as an opportunity to pursue professional research in quantum algorithms alongside my peers and mentors in the quantum community.


BS Physics, San Jose State University

Research Interests

  • Quantum Algorithms
  • Quantum Software Development
  • Quantum Foundations


Ken Wharton, SJSU, Physics
Hiu Yung Wong, SJSU, EE